Conflux Projects - ZERO to no communication

What is the reason for projects not communicating. There are several really good projects on Conflux yet they do not communicate effectively…Are they shy or hiding for some political reason? Are they building projects for themselves or just here to rob people? This is a pretty big concern here for the health of the ecosystem…


In fact, you come to the Chinese community to say that these are not really useful, political reasons is indeed one, plus a game before called Bitworld now many people clamoring for rights, so it is not a good time to go on a new project, now the Chinese community has been chaotic, need a little time to recuperate.In fact there are many new projects appearing in the English community, some of which may have been deployed in other chains first, and also Conflux chains first.There is no shortage of good projects in the Chinese community, Koichi Swap is also being tested, as well as new games on NFTbox, Shan Hai Jing, and Fei Hua Ling,all about Chinese Culture

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Hi - Sorry I do not yet speak or write Chinese …in time…I am not interested in Bitworld conversations, I did not play…What I am seeing though is little communication in general on C-chain…It is as if projects are not properly supported at all…Conflux should be leading in communication and support but even the ambassador program has had issues…I have supported Conflux from the launch and continue to spread the good word however there is LOTS of room for improvement. Without anyone pointing out where improvements are needed there will be little progress…A suggestion would be that any project that receives ecological funds MUST support a discord or telegram account or something similar…We need some checks and balances here…We could also have a trusted projects area or rating system for project communication. There are lots of options for improvement…


This is true, because most users tend to use WeChat (a Chinese chat software) so the groups on TG are relatively inactive

Actually ecosystem projects in China have their communication groups on WeChat, just as w33d said, we Chinese seldom uses Telegram or Discord. And on the forum we do communicate a lot, compared with English forum

That is great!! Where do we find a list of projects with WeChat groups. Here are the ones I am looking for;

Conflux/Conflux Dev

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you can refer to for almost all ecosystem projects, but even myself haven’t been in their wechat groups yet, I guess you can ask other community members or connect straight with the project owners

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Thanks for the info…