怎么使用Conflux v2.0.0-fix文件夹建立pos节点,论坛上都是升级的教程,有没有从0开始用v2.0-fix进行同步的教程



pos_config 这个文件什么时候才可以下载?

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在教程中预计时间前会发布,即 Block Number 到达 92751800(预计 2 月 25 日 24 时)

linux 怎么后台启动start.sh? 每次启动start.sh 输入密码关闭终端后,conflux进程退出了没有同步,这样一直要保持终端不关闭状态 我是ssh 远程到远端服务的 这样很不方便一直要开着ssh 看着conflux --help 命令行也没有输入密码和指定文件的option 求解决方法 谢谢



可以用通用的需要密码的后台启动的办法,比如使用screen或tmux。另外如果节点不需要保证PoS key的安全性的话,可以在配置文件里配置 dev_pos_private_key_encryption_password 来输入password。

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从0开始同步了2天多,到9000W快同步完时候,卡在activated_block_count: 92009342这个块号,一直在重复打印以下几段信息,是少了pos_config文件嘛,麻烦看一下谢谢
2022-02-26T11:03:12.902145023+08:00 WARN IO Worker #3 cfxcore::syn - current sync candidate becomes inactive: (status = about to request a candidate state, pending_peers: 0, manifest: None, chunks: None)
2022-02-26T11:03:12.902233023+08:00 INFO IO Worker #3 cfxcore::syn - Catch-up mode: true, latest epoch: 36961432 missing_bodies: 0
2022-02-26T11:03:13.902788471+08:00 WARN IO Worker #1 cfxcore::syn - current sync candidate becomes inactive: (status = about to request a candidate state, pending_peers: 0, manifest: None, chunks: None)
2022-02-26T11:03:13.902850931+08:00 INFO IO Worker #1 cfxcore::syn - Catch-up mode: true, latest epoch: 36961432 missing_bodies: 0
2022-02-26T11:03:14.903362867+08:00 WARN IO Worker #1 cfxcore::syn - current sync candidate becomes inactive: (status = about to request a candidate state, pending_peers: 0, manifest: None, chunks: None)
2022-02-26T11:03:14.903433554+08:00 INFO IO Worker #1 cfxcore::syn - Catch-up mode: true, latest epoch: 36961432 missing_bodies: 0
2022-02-26T11:03:15.904123022+08:00 WARN IO Worker #3 cfxcore::syn - current sync candidate becomes inactive: (status = about to request a candidate state, pending_peers: 0, manifest: None, chunks: None)
2022-02-26T11:03:15.904236718+08:00 INFO IO Worker #3 cfxcore::syn - Catch-up mode: true, latest epoch: 36961432 missing_bodies: 0
2022-02-26T11:03:16.904707699+08:00 WARN IO Worker #2 cfxcore::syn - current sync candidate becomes inactive: (status = about to request a candidate state, pending_peers: 0, manifest: None, chunks: None)
2022-02-26T11:03:16.904857370+08:00 INFO IO Worker #2 cfxcore::syn - Catch-up mode: true, latest epoch: 36961432 missing_bodies: 0
2022-02-26T11:03:17.405112764+08:00 INFO IO Worker #1 cfxcore::sta - Statistics: StatisticsInner { sync_graph: SyncGraphStatistics { inserted_block_count: 1, inserted_header_count: 100995356 }, consensus_graph: ConsensusGraphStatistics { inserted_block_count: 240511, activated_block_count: 92009342, processed_block_count: 92009342 } }

pending_peers: 0


网络是正常的 这台电脑的GPU在连着矿池挖矿的