

BTC is the leader of cryptocurrency, recognized by the world’s richest man Elon Musk and some sovereign countries. BTC, which represents freedom and dreams, has opened a new era and changed the rules of the world.
But BTC also has well-known shortcomings, such as high handling fees, high mining costs, inability to deploy smart contracts on the main network, and high unit prices that are not convenient for small payments.
BitANT can make up for the shortcomings of BTC. It splits one BTC into 1,000,000 BitANT, and will successively deploy it to various Ethereum L2 protocols Arbitrum and optimistm, etc., thereby promoting faster, cheaper, and more energy-saving Bitcoin payments, and finally achieve Bitcoin global payment with close to zero cost.
Once the L2 protocol is deployed, the high gas fee based on Ethereum will be resolved, and the BitANT project will sweep the cryptocurrency industry, and it will be applicable to any transaction. This is the revolution of BTC going global. We can see that BTC will be more perfect and be popularized quickly, becoming the true king of the new world.

BitANT passed CERTIK, the most rigorous cryptocurrency audit: https://www.certik.org/projects/bitant
BitANT is already on the CoinGecko list: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bitant
BitANT is already on the CMC list: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitant/
BitANT official website: http://bitbtc.money
BitANT founder Twitter: https://twitter.com/SatoshiNJunior
BitANT Global TG: https://t.me/LoveBitbtc
White Paper V2: https://bitbtc.money/docs/BitBTC-Whitepaper.pdf
Promote Twitter: @HelloBitANT
ETH contract address: 0x15Ee120fD69BEc86C1d38502299af7366a41D1a6







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