Flight Sheet CFX, pool NanoPool, Wallet Binance 0xdd....BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Hello! I’m new here and I need help.
I have my mining rig flight sheet in HiveOs configured with CFX, the Nanopool pool and the Binance wallet which starts at 0xdd… corresponding to BNB Smart Chain (BEP20).
The issue that arises is that I want to collect the mined CFX and I don’t know how to do it.
I need help please!!!

Please use Fluent to generate an address such as cfx:aa****.

You can install it from chrome webstore.

And the CFX that I have mined to collect with the other wallet? How do I charge them?

Replace your own Conflux address, such as cfx:aajvu50rjt3r2d3ygxd58c3v00umy74wb2uw7btbns, to a PoW Pool then you will receive CFX automatically. Usually, you will receive your reward in less than 6 hours.
