一个关于 Golang SDK 和 eSpace 的问题

我使用 github.com/Conflux-Chain/go-conflux-sdk v1.1.3 试图连接 eSpace 测试节点,我使用这段代码连接原来的测试测试节点成功,但是连接 eSpace 测试网出现异常 failed to new client with retry: failed to get networkID: failed to get status: the method cfx_getStatus does not exist/is not available ,我查看配置参数似乎没有可以配置 networkID 的,这是我哪个参数配置错误了吗?

    func TestConnNode(t *testing.T){
	//url := "https://portal-test.confluxrpc.com"
	url := "https://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.com"
	client,err := InitConfluxClient(url,"./key")
	epoch, err := client.Client.GetEpochNumber()
func InitConfluxClient(nodeURL,keystorePath string) (*ConfluxClient,error){
	client, err := sdk.NewClient(nodeURL, sdk.ClientOption{
		KeystorePath: keystorePath,
	if nil != err {
		return nil,err
	instance := &ConfluxClient{
		Client: client,
		NodeURL: nodeURL,
	return instance,nil

eSpace 完全兼容以太坊接口,需要使用 go-ethereum 或者 web3go SDK https://github.com/openweb3/web3go