Hi I really need some help my transaction is still in pending. I had no CFX when transferring to moonswap

Hi I was trying to transfer eth as ceth so that i can get some cfx and selected gas drip price as 1 as I remember there was no fees for moonswap. This must have recently changed. my transaction is still in pending on conflux portal can somebody please help. Thanks everyone

Hi, it’s best to make sure you have some CFX in your account. You can also resend the transaction through Portal using a higher gas price (click transaction then speed-up). If you just need <1 CFX, you can ask on Discord.

Hi thank you so much for your response. Unfortunately I can not click on anything and the transaction is just in pending. I am not able to speed up or do anything as I just reset the account to see if it will reverse the transaction. Unfortunately I was wondering how long will it stay in pending and when it fails will the funds return back to my metamask wallet? Please I really need your help thank you

I have the txn hash if that helps?

If you reset your Portal account, you can just send another transaction (e.g. send some CFX to your own address) with >1 gas price (recommended: >1000000) and that will overwrite the pending transaction. If that doesn’t work, please share the tx hash.

I will give it a go now I will try and get some cfx

I got some cfx but when I tried to send it to the cfx conflux portal wallet address it says ‘invalid address’. Is there something wrong with the addresses? any idea why it may not be working to send? thanks :slight_smile:

Im trying to send from an exchange that lists cfx I bought it from there and now trying to send to cfx portal but address seems to be invalid

Your address should start with cfx:. If you buy CFX on Binance, you cannot send it to Portal directly. Please ask for help on the Conflux Discord.

Thank you :slight_smile: sorry didnt know yes sure happy to ask on discord what was the link for the discord?

Also, what will happen if the transaction just stays in pending will it eventually fail and the funds return?

tell me your address and i will transfer you a little cfx

I transferred 0.01cfx to you

Thank you very much for your help very appreciate