Implement a CFX burning mechanism for each transaction / 为每笔交易实施 CFX 销毁机制



我认为应该有一种机制来销毁 CFX 或在交易中或不同的机制以减少 CFX 的通货膨胀,而且我认为基金会和投资者拥有的 50 亿 CFX 必须从那里烧掉,这一切将有助于长期 CFX 价格




我认为有必要,从长期来看,CFX 燃烧机制对价格有利

@thegaram What do you think of the proposal to implement a CFX burning mechanism in each transaction and how would you implement it?






Where is the “Burn” suppose to happen from? Since both transaction gas AND storage fee’s are paid by sponsored contracts. I dont know where the burning would happen in the way the current ecosystem exists.


I do not think a burn is absolutely necessary Something like a RMB stable coin where you had to stake the CFX to get the RMB for port/ shanghai transactions would be good as well. I read something like this may be coming…or I hope it is…


You do realize token burning on tx"s , yes it will cause pump in price due to scarcity, however if the supply ( i.e. mining of new coin ) is greater than the demand then its not going to have an effect other than sending cfx to oblivion until the demand meets or goes over the supply

Take eth for example, 1559 will only have its true effect on the price once its demand also outweights the supply, in eths case the minting of eth still has around 4 years before 1559 really kicks in, cfx will take longer to reach that threshold due to the minting of cfx greatly greatly being more than the demand, not the right time for this pruposal tbh, maybe in 20+ years at current minting rate and with the low af gas fees, honestly its so low this tx burning , there is no need to send cfx to oblivion for merely trying to mimic what eth is doing, it wont work out the same so please dont agree on this proposal, its atleast 20 years to early lol


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It should be noted that anyone can build a dApp with a burning mechanism…