Integration Grants Application: Fufuture

How can we get our funds out your v1 pools? As well as funds pledged to trade?

If you took 5 minutes to verify the contract that would probably be enough

Or even provide the ABI

Can you provide Token contract addresses and wallet addresses?
I can’t see the V1 version’s liquidity pool; it seems to have been transferred to the V2 version.

Sure, you can find them by searching for “Shield” on confluxscan.
There are 4 I can find but the ones I am concerned with are:

Confid base token 0xfb16f7405D26c5dA7fA41E6f373B57953a121fF2
Shield Pool
100m pledge 0x9eF8Ec7d2EC9Ca3AC45120B902526F2e79900eB8
40m pledge 0x16CD1b78263d6520F3b05C18F9Cbb40C66D12b50
92k pledge 0xC685e0C747E008240E09770e0D2f1dFA7Ccf6dfF

XUN base token 0x8aebf66E71a49282E0635D3251F7adA916e315df
Shield Pool
3715 pledge 0xC685e0C747E008240E09770e0D2f1dFA7Ccf6dfF
2000 pledge 0xB919e09bB077013d5f93c898DAFcC1D0C75559Fe
13 pledge 0xcc7c76CA6f1A163B4FcB6CBd55F5f82D9cCa3062

And then for maintenance pledge the contract currently holds 32m Confid and here is my original deposit of 50m Confid