Проблема с подключением майнера к ноде

Здравствуйте, не могу подключить майнер к ноде. Нода синхронизировалась, но при попытке включения официального майнера cfxmine пишет ошибку - unable to connect and subscribe to the server
Нода и майнер находятся на одном компе, айпишник и порт стоят по дефолту. Может кто поможет подключиться ?

а можете приложить конфиг ноды?

Добрый день. Приложил. В конфиге менял только адрес кошелька на свой.

bootnodes is a list of nodes that a conflux node trusts, and will be used to sync the blockchain when a node starts.

The value is a string divided by comma without space, and every entry is a node

A node is identified by cfxnode://NODEID@PUBLICIP:PORT

By default, no bootnodes are provided. What’s provided here is a list of nodes that Conflux Team maintains across the world.


Set the node type to Full node, Archive node, or Light node.

Possible values are “full”, “archive”, or “light”.

The command line parameter --full, --archive, or --light will overwrite this parameter.

node_type = “full”

Some preset develepment configurations.

It should not be set in production environment.

For both test and dev modes, we will

* Set initial difficulty to 4

test mode is for Conflux testing and debugging, we will

* Add latency to peer connections

* Skip handshake encryption check

* Skip header timestamp verification

* Handle NewBlockHash even in catch-up mode

* Allow data propagation test

* Allow setting genesis accounts and generate tx from secrets

dev mode is for users to run a single node that automatically

generates blocks with fixed intervals

* Open port 12535 for ws rpc if jsonrpc_ws_port is not provided.

* Open port 12536 for tcp rpc if jsonrpc_tcp_port is not provided.

* Open port 12537 for http rpc if jsonrpc_http_port is not provided.

* generate blocks without PoW (either after receiving a transaction or

in fixed period, see ``dev_block_interval_ms’’)

* Skip catch-up mode even there is no peer

mode = “”

If you want to setup a single node running Conflux for development. You should

COMMENT the bootnodes setting and you should use the following parameters:

mode = “dev”

``dev_block_interval_ms’’ controls the mining rate in the dev mode.

If it’s not set, blocks will only be generated after receiving a transaction.

Otherwise, blocks are automatically generated every ``dev_block_interval_ms’’ ms.

dev_block_interval_ms = 250

----------------- Mining Configuration -----------------

mining_author is the address to receive mining rewards.

If set, mining_type will be “stratum” by default.

The value is a 40-digit hex string or a valid CIP-37 base32 address.

By default, the value is not set.


mining_type controls whether the mining process goes through the

stratum protocol, uses CPU-mining, or disable mining.

Possible values are “stratum”, “cpu”, and “disable”.

The default value is “stratum” if mining_author is set.

If the value is set and not “disable”, mining_author must be set.

mining_type = “stratum”

Listen address for stratum

stratum_listen_address = “”

Port for stratum.

stratum_port = 32525

Window size for PoW manager

pow_problem_window_size = 1

Secret key for stratum.

The value is 64-digit hex string.

If not set, the RPC subscription will not check the authorization.

stratum_secret = “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

-------------- Log-related Configuration -------------

log_conf the path of the log4rs configuration file. The configuration in the file will overwrite the value set by log_level.

By default, the value is not set.


log_file is the path of the log file"

If not set, the log will only be printed to stdout, and not persisted to files.

By default, the value is not set.


log_level is the printed log level.

The value should be one of “error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug”, “trace”, “off”


-------------- Network Configuration -------------

public_address is the address of this node used for other nodes to connect to.

If not set, the process will try to find out the public IP with best effort, and use tcp_port as public port.

However, it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to set the value manually, especially for machines with IP translated by NAT.


tcp_port is the TCP port that the process listens for P2P messages. The default is 32323.


public_tcp_port is the public TCP port that other nodes should connect to. It might be different from

the tcp_port in case the machine is behind a NAT. The default is as same as tcp_port.


udp_port is the UDP port used for node discovery.

If not set, it will be the same as port.


jsonrpc_http_threads is used to control how many threads to process HTTP rpc requests.


jsonrpc_http_keep_alive is used to control whether to set KeepAlive for rpc HTTP connections.


jsonrpc_cors is used to control the rpc domain validation policies.

The value should be “none”, “all”, or a list string split by commas without space.

If not set, domain validation is disabled.

By default, the values are not set.


The following parameters are the ports for the node to provide rpc service. If not set,

the node will not start rpc services. By default, the jsonrpc_local_http_port is set,

so as to support the Conflux CLI subcommands. What’s provided here is the recommended

value if you want to start rpc services for other front-end applications.

Note that to serve transaction-related RPCs, persist_tx_index should also be set to true or

the node will only be able to handle very recent transactions.







Specify the APIs available through the public JSON-RPC interfaces (HTTP, TCP, WebSocket)

using a comma-delimited list of API names.

Possible names are: all, safe, cfx, debug, pubsub, test, trace, txpool.

safe only includes cfx and pubsub, txpool.

public_rpc_apis = “safe”

--------------- Performance-related Network Parameters ----------------------

Timeout for block-related requests (GetBlock, GetCmpctBlock, GetBlockTxn)

blocks_request_timeout_ms = 20_000

Time interval to check timeout requests periodically.


Chunk size for snapshot retrieval

chunk_size_byte = 4194304

Control whether to demote peers to unstrusted

demote_peer_for_timeout = false

Maximum network queue size. When reached, the queue will refuse any new data.

The unit is MB.

egress_queue_capacity = 256

Minimum queue size for throttling in manner of ratio.

The unit is MB.

egress_min_throttle = 10

Maximum queue size for throttling in manner of ratio.

The unit is MB.

egress_max_throttle = 10

Time interval to to garbage-collect not block-graph-ready blocks periodically.

expire_block_gc_period_s = 900

Timeout for header-related requests (GetBlockHeaders)


Time interval to broadcast Status as heartbeat periodically

heartbeat_period_interval_ms = 30_000

Time to maintain transaction digests inflight status.

inflight_pending_tx_index_maintain_timeout_ms = 30_000

Maximum number of timeout allowed in timeout_observing_period_s.

If the max is reached, the peer will be disconnected.

demote_peer_for_timeout controls if the peer will be demoted in this case.

max_allowed_timeout_in_observing_period = 10

Maximum number of peers to download state chunks from.

max_download_state_peers = 8

Maximum number of handshaking sessions at the same time.

max_handshakes = 64

Maximum number of incoming connections.

max_incoming_peers = 64

Maximum number of outgoing connections.

max_outgoing_peers = 16

Maximum number of outgoing connections to archive nodes. 0 represents

not required to connect to archive nodes. E.g. light node or full node

need not to connect to archive nodes.

max_outgoing_peers_archive = 0

Maximum number of inflight requests for each peer.

If the max is reached, requests will be buffered until inflight requests are responded or timeout.

max_inflight_request_count = 64

Maximum number of peers to broadcast transaction digests.

max_peers_tx_propagation = 128

Maximum cached received block size waiting to be processed.

max_unprocessed_block_size_mb = 128

Minimum number of peers to broadcast transaction digests.

min_peers_tx_propagation = 8

The time to maintain received transactions to avoid duplicated requests.

received_tx_index_maintain_timeout_ms = 300_000

Whether to request blocks with public key during catch-up to avoid recovering

the public keys for transactions.

request_block_with_public = false

Time interval to broadcast transaction digests periodically.

send_tx_period_ms = 1300

Timeout for requesting snapshot candidate.

snapshot_candidate_request_timeout_ms = 10_000

Timeout for requesting snapshot chunks.

snapshot_chunk_request_timeout_ms = 30_000

Timeout for requesting snapshot manifests.

snapshot_manifest_request_timeout_ms = 30_000

throttling_conf is configuration file in TOML format to throttle RPCs, P2P messages.

Throttling is enabled only when the parameter specified.


The time period to observe if a peers has too many timeouts.

timeout_observing_period_s = 600

Timeout for transaction requests.

transaction_request_timeout_ms = 30_000

Time to maintain information of sent-out transactions for answering requests.

tx_maintained_for_peer_timeout_ms = 600_000

--------------- Peer Management Parameters -------------

Timeout duration for refreshing discovery protocol when there are NOT enough outgoing connections.

discovery_fast_refresh_timeout_ms = 10_000

Timeout duration for initiating peer connection management.

discovery_housekeeping_timeout_ms = 1_000

Period between consecutive rounds of the same current discovery process.

discovery_round_timeout_ms = 500

enable_discovery is used to control whether the node will ask its neighbors for new peers

and whether it will respond to other nodes’ discovery requests.


netconf_dir is the directory to store network related persistent data, including net_key,

a list of trusted nodes and a list of untrusted nodes.

By default, it is stored under the directory configured with conflux_data_dir with the directory name net_config.

If set, the directory path will not be related to conflux_data_dir anymore.


net_key is the 256-bit private key to generate a unique node id for this node.

The value is a 64-digit hex string.

If not set, the node will try to read from the file “key” under the directory netconf_dir.

If the file is not found, the node will generate a random key.

By default, the value is not set.

If a node is restarted, it’s suggested to keep the key unchanged.


Timeout duration for persisting node table.

node_table_timeout_s = 300

Connection lifetime threshold for promotion.

node_table_promotion_timeout_s = 259200

session_ip_limits limits the number of TCP connections per IP address or subnet for security consideration.

Its format is “n1,n2,n3,n4”, where n1 is the quota of TCP connections for a single IP address, and n2/n3/n4

are the quotas for subnet a/b/c. The default value is “1,8,4,2”, which means:

1) Only 1 TCP connection allowed for a single IP address.

2) 8 TCP connections allowd for subnet a, e.g. 192.xxx.xxx.xxx/8

3) 4 TCP connections allowd for subnet b, e.g. 192.168.xxx.xxx/16

4) 2 TCP connections allowd for subnet c, e.g. 192.169.0.xxx/24

Note, 0 represents unlimited.


subnet_quota limits the number of nodes for a subnet B (e.g. 192.168.xxx.xxx/16) stored in database.

Nodes in database are used to establish outgoing TCP connections for P2P communications.

Note, 0 represents unlimited.


---------------- Block number index parameters -----------------

Whether to persist block number indices.

This only needs to be enabled if you want to use RPCs that take block numbers as an input.

persist_block_number_index = true

---------------- Transaction Cache Parameters -----------------

Whether to persist transaction indices.

This only needs to be enabled if you want to reliably answer transaction-related RPCs.

persist_tx_index = false

Time to keep transactions in in-memory transaction cache.

tx_cache_index_maintain_timeout_ms = 300_000

Maximum number of transactions allowed in the transaction pool.

tx_pool_size = 500_000

Minimum allowed transaction gas price in the transaction pool.

tx_pool_min_tx_gas_price = 1

------------------ Storage Parameters ----------------------

The number of additional snapshot before the current stable checkpoint that we will maintain.

If it’s 0, all snapshot before stable genesis will be deleted and the states are unavailable.

additional_maintained_snapshot_count = 0

The additional number of epochs to keep different kinds of data before the current era genesis checkpoint.

For full/light nodes, the default value is 0, meaning all data before the era checkpoint will be removed.

For archive nodes, the default behavior is keeping all these data, while setting these parameters manually

will overwrite the default behavior of corresponding data types and garbage collect them accordingly.

additional_maintained_block_body_epoch_count = 0

additional_maintained_execution_result_epoch_count = 0

additional_maintained_reward_epoch_count = 0

additional_maintained_trace_epoch_count = 0

additional_maintained_transaction_index_epoch_count = 0

Time interval to evict old data from in-memory data cache.

block_cache_gc_period_ms = 5_000

Database type to store block-related data.

Supported: rocksdb, sqlite.

block_db_type = “rocksdb”

The root directory of all data (block data, state data, and node database).

conflux_data_dir = “./blockchain_data”

The directory to store block-related data.

By default, it is stored under the directory configured with conflux_data_dir with the directory name blockchain_db.

If set, the directory path will not be related to conflux_data_dir anymore.

block_db_dir = “./blockchain_data/blockchain_db”

Maximum size of cached ledger data (block, receipts, e.t.c.)

The unit is MB.

ledger_cache_size = 1024

Rocksdb cache size.

Only applies if block_db_type = "rocksdb".

rocksdb_cache_size = 128

Rocksdb compaction file path.

Only applies if block_db_type = "rocksdb".

If not set, compaction configuration will be set automatically by rocksdb.

rocksdb_compaction_profile = “./compact_file.conf”

State storage parameters.

Refer to the documentation for details.






Configure the maximal open MPT count. Open MPTs are maintained as an LRU cache, and we will close the database handle

for the evicted MPT once its usage finishes. Every MPT contains the data written in 2000 epochs.

Accessing a state involves opening both its delta MPT and intermediate MPT,

so setting this to 4 allows to access two states at the same time. A full node always needs one latest state to

process new epochs, so with the default value we can frequently access one old state (by calling state-related RPCs)

efficiently without the overhead of opening/closing databases.

Idealy, if the RPC working set involves accessing X state ranges frequently (each range has 2000 epochs),

this value should be set to 2+2X to avoid thrashing.

However, increasing the value may increase the system memory usage by opening more database instances at the same

time, and the memory usage of an MPT is affected by rocksdb_cache_size.

storage_max_open_mpt_count = 4

Configure if we strictly check the tx index before garbage collection.

Setting it to false will improve the performance. But if the value is false, it’s possible that although the

epoch where a tx is executed should not be garbage collected, the tx index of this tx is removed because it’s packed

in an already garbage collected epoch.

strict_tx_index_gc = true

The epoch number where we want to download the state and start re-executing transactions.

For full nodes, if the value is not set, the parameter will not take effects.

For archive node, the default value is 0.

sync_state_starting_epoch = 0

The number of epochs needed between our best_epoch and our neighbours’ best_epoch that we want to

start downloading states during catching up.

sync_state_epoch_gap = 20

------------------ Light Node Parameters ----------------------

Header sync parameters.

ln_header_request_batch_size = 30

ln_header_request_timeout_sec = 2

ln_max_headers_in_flight = 1000

Epoch sync parameters.

ln_epoch_request_batch_size = 100

ln_epoch_request_timeout_sec = 2

ln_max_parallel_epochs_to_request = 10

ln_num_epochs_to_request = 200

ln_num_waiting_headers_threshold = 1000

-------------------- Trace Parameters -------------------

Whether to trace EVM execution and records the result in database.

executive_trace = false

-------------------- Others -------------------

Time (in milliseconds) after which accounts are re-read from disk.

account_provider_refresh_time_ms = 1000

Whether to allow execution without deferring if the execution thread is idle.

enable_optimistic_execution = true

Maximum number of blocks whose timestamp is in the near future is maintained in memory.

future_block_buffer_capacity = 32768

Maximum number of log entries returned from cfx_getLogs.

If not set, cfx_getLogs will not limit the number of logs returned.

get_logs_filter_max_limit = 10

Epoch batch size used in log filtering.

Larger batch sizes may improve performance but might also prevent consensus from making progress under high RPC load.

get_logs_epoch_batch_size = 32

The maximal allowed number of epochs between from_epoch and to_epoch in the filter to call cfx_getLogs.

If not set, there is no limit on the gap.

By default it is not set.

get_logs_filter_max_epoch_range = 10000

Maximum number of transactions allowed for peers to send to a catch-up node.

max_trans_count_received_in_catch_up = 60_000

The chain_id of conflux network

1 for testnet

1029 for Tethys

chain_id = 1029

В вашем конфигурационном файле закомментированы строки с параметрами:
mining_type =
stratum_listen_address =
stratum_port =
Уберите знак # в начале этих строк и перезапустите ноду.
Конфиг будет выглядеть примерно так:

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Спасибо ! Скоро попробую запустить. А не подскажите еще почему у меня нода каждый раз при перезапуске начинает синхронизироваться с нуля ? Ноду запускаю bat файлом start.

Строку node_type = “full” тоже нужно раскомментировать