RFC:Conflux 协议技术规范


目前最新版的 Conflux 协议技术规范(laTex 代码)已可在 Github 上可以查看 https://github.com/Regulusyg/Conflux-tech-spec

编译好的 pdf 版本也可从官网“技术文档”页面(https://confluxnetwork.org/zh/technology ) 的“协议规范”直接下载(目前尚未更新到最新版本,即将更新)。


  1. Maximum contract code size enlarged from 24KB to 48KB. (Section 5.4)
  2. Offset design for the PoW quality of a block. (Section 8.1)
  3. Behavior of the execution of transactions with invalid recipients: what happens on nonce/gas/balance/receipt/etc… (Section 5.3, 5.6)
  4. Formalization of conditions triggering exceptions. ((129) in Section 5.6.5)