Conflux Grant Proposal
I was unable to attach a PDF, but you can view a Google Doc with the application here:
Reach Bounty Hack Conflux Grant Application
Update (August 3, 2021): cost adjusted to reflect the updated number of teams which remain in the hack (22 teams).
Link to Updated Proposal Document
Project Overview: Please include the following:
Project title and description of the project.
区块链之门 The “Gateway to Blockchain” Bounty Hack
- A bounty hack is a guided hackathon in which participants (teams and individual entrants) complete projects from a pre-approved list. These projects are bite-sized, manageable decentralized applications that can be built in five weeks’ time. Teams will spend one week completing a tutorial and five weeks building their project.
- The primary objective is to create marketing materials both during and after the Bounty Hack (e.g. interviews, articles, and other materials which showcase the benefits of both Reach and Conflux) while encouraging participants to adopt Reach as their primary development platform for building on Conflux.
- The secondary objective is to cultivate a community of advocates, turning participants into long term Reach developers by proving our platform is the safest and easiest way to build decentralized applications.
How will this project be integrated into Conflux?
- The apps will run on the Conflux network.
Why is your team interested in creating this project?
- Integration between Conflux and the Reach blockchain development platform is scheduled for completion on July 9th. We believe this will be an excellent opportunity to highlight the benefits and opportunities stemming from this integration.
Project Details: Please include the following:
High-level approach, & product flow (along with a diagram).
Not applicable.
Any mockup designs of user facing components. -
Not applicable.
Ecosystem fit: How can the project benefit Conflux Network’s ecosystem?
The hackathon will produce several apps for the Conflux network built on the Reach platform and provide an abundance of marketing material for both the Reach Platform and the Conflux protocol.
Team: Please include the following:
Name of team members, and their roles and responsibilities.
Provide the name and registered address of the legal entity that will be delivering the project.
Reach Platform, Inc.
145 Brook Road, Sharon, MA 02067
Team’s relevant experience. -
Tim Miao is a Reach developer who served as a mentor in previous Bounty Hack events. Ivan is a Conflux developer in China who is active in the Reach community. Michael Pirovano has coordinated three previous Bounty Hacks.
Team’s github code repositories.
Project Roadmap: This section will appear in the grants contract, and will be used to verify that milestones have been reached in order to release grant payments.
Please include the following:
Breakdown of the project roadmap into a number of milestones with clear outcomes, with each milestone including:
Specification of the deliverable (will be used to confirm that the milestones have been reached).
- The deliverable is a hackathon payout form containing information about the team and project. This will include a link to the completed project on GitHub (or some similar code repository) as well as a video demonstration of the working app.
Requested funding, milestone duration, and number of full time employees on each milestone.
- See below for requested funding and milestone duration. Two full-time Reach employees will be involved in coordinating the event.
Number of days, and cost per day.
- 46 days; approximately $719 per day.
Total estimated duration and cost of the whole project.
- Monday, July 5th to Friday, August 20th
- The maximum cost of the hack is $33,050.
Long Term Vision: What is the team’s long term vision for the project?
- The long term vision of the project is a feedback loop in which a thriving virtual community ushers in new cohorts of app developers (which, in turn, grow the community).
Community Engagement: We ask that you market and promote your project in the forum and in external channels. For example, by publishing an article or tutorial outlining your work as part of the grant and your work with Conflux.
The hackathon will be marketed on the following channels:
- Bilibili
- Discord
- YouTube
Delivery Requirements: Please ensure that milestones and outcomes are verifiable.
Other: Please include any further information that is relevant to your application, including any attachments.