CIP-113: Accelerate Up PoS Finalization

CIP Title Author Status Type Created
113 Accelerate Up PoS Finalization Peilun Li (@peilun-conflux) Draft Spec Breaking 2023-05-29

Simple Summary

Make the PoS finalization faster by shortening the PoS consensus round time and the pivot decision signing wait time.


Currently the PoS finalization time of Conflux is close to 10 minutes, significantly longer than the confirmation time of PoW and other blockchains. We can make the PoS finalization faster by shortening the PoS consensus round time and the pivot decision signing wait time.


Although the PoS finalization is designed as a fail-safe guarantee with a longer confirmation time, it’s still worthwhile to make the extra PoS wait time comparable with the original PoW confirmation time. And the products that utilizes the PoS confirmation (like a high-value transaction or an on-chain light-weight client) will benefit from this optimization.


The PoS round time is reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. The defer time for validators to wait to sign a PoS-confirmed pivot block is reduced from 50 epochs to 20 epochs.


Almost all PoS proposals and votes can be delivered by all validators with in 10 seconds, so in considering the latency, it’s safe to reduce the round time to 30 seconds (leaving 15s for both proposals and votes). About the computing overhead, since most CPU/memory resources are used for PoW, doubling the PoS overhead is still acceptable.

Backwards Compatibility

This is Spec Breaking.

Test Cases




Security Considerations



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