Committee Report - 2021 Q3

Grant Committee Incentives - 2021 Q3 Report


Global Grants Committee – Q3 2021 Incentive Structure

The Global Grants Committee is a DAO based committee of Conflux community members. To ensure the sustainability and growth of such a community based committee, fair incentives tied to member’s contributions are required.

Budget Range
Per Quarter: $1000 - $9000 per quarter.


  1. Self-Scoring: Self report score and submit to discord.
  2. Group Assessment: Score other committee members, and upload to discord.
  3. Final Scoring: Review all results and determine final score for each member.
  4. Forum Post: Report uploaded to forum.
  5. Invoice: Invoices sent finance department for payment.

Committee members will be assessed across two key dimensions when evaluating their contributions over each quarter: participation and community building.

Review Results


Committee Strengths: The Global Grants Committee was very good in participation. Attended most meetings and was active in the forum.

Committee Weaknesses: The Global Grants Committee needs to improve on its community building activates, including projects sourcing, and general advisory for applicants and awardees.

Focus for Q4: The focus for all committee members in Q4 will be to improve our contributions for community building, including applicant referrals and providing projects advisory.

Below are the self-assessment scores for the Global Grant Committee.

Group Assessment
Below are the group assessment scores for the Global Grants Committee eligible for funding.

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