Conflux Artist Residency Grant Program [Archive]

Conflux Artist Residency Grants

As NFTs have become mainstream, the NFT market has become saturated with new entrants driven by price appreciation, volume, and financial returns, resulting in a critical mass of current NFT assets and volume only existing on Ethereum. The downside of this is the voice of the majority of artists has been drowned out and in many cases overly commoditized. Most marketplaces have removed any personal connection with to the artists themselves.

To break away from the NFT-repeneur wave, and to meaningfully explore the impact of blockchain on society through art, Conflux is creating a grants program for artists.

Serious artists interested in exploring the edges of tokenized art need only apply.

Program Details
This program is in Beta and will run its first cohort Q1 2022 . At the end of the first cohort, an ‘art exhibition’ will take place featuring all new artists with their newly minted NFTs on Conflux.

Grant Requirements
All Artist Residency Grants will be milestone based, and with funding being released based on key milestones being hit.

Funding Streams

  1. Creating Artistic Work: With a focus on creating all original pieces and collections to be minted on Conflux main net.
  2. Building Audiences and Markets: With a focus on building artist communities on Conflux.

Artistic Disciplines

  1. Visual Art
  2. Sound Art
  3. Generative Art
  4. Digital & Physical Art

Priority Groups

  1. Emerging Artists in Emerging Markets
  2. Female Artists

Funding Tiers

  • Tier 1: Grants up to $1000. New to NFTs, New to Art. Looking to explore new ideas.
  • Tier 2: Gants up to $15,000. Established artists who are new to NFTs, or artists that have successfully completed a Tier 1 grant.
  • Tier 3: Grants up to $50,000. Established digital artists who are exploring innovating the NFT medium, or artists that have successfully completed a Tier 2 grant.

Conflux Support
Once approved to join the Conflux Artist Residency, artists will start their work on their projects and provide regular updates. During the program Conflux will support them in every step of the way and teach them anything blockchain specific they need to know to realize their idea, including designing, minting and deploying their NFTs. Other support provided by Conflux include:

  • Financial support: Via Grants Funding.
  • Technical support: Everything from wallet setup to technical integrations.
  • Marketing support: Global marketing and promotional support with potential showcasing in Conflux affiliated Art Gallery’s, Marketplaces, or Metaverses.

How to Apply
To submit an Artist Grant Proposal to the forum, please post your application in the forum, making sure it is professionally formatted with the required information. Follow this how to guide on how to post your application here: How to Post Your Grant Proposal Application - Step-by-Step

Below is an application template outlining the required information.

Funding Tier: Please specify the funding tier and total grant amount of your proposal

Project Overview: Please include the following

  • Project title and description
  • Why are you interested in creating this project and or collection?

Project Details: Please include the following

  • High level conceptual approach
  • Any design mockups or sketches
  • Overview of the mediums being used
  • Your collection’s themes and thesis

Team: Please include the following

  • Name of team members, and their roles and responsibilities (we would love to hear about your artist background)
  • Team members’ emails and social media handles
  • Team’s relevant experience
  • Links to any previous work / portfolios

Grant Milestones: This section will appear in the grants contract and will be use to verify that milestones have been reached in order to release payment. Please include the following:

Breakdown of the creative roadmap into a number of milestones, with each milestone including:

  • Specification of the deliverables
  • Requested funding for that milestone
  • Total grant timeline
  • Total estimated duration of each milestone

Below is a rough template for your grant milestones

Community Engagement: Outline your plan to grow awareness of your project. This plan should outline how you aim to achieve the community based OKRs in your milestones above. Ex. If you are creating a collection of digital designs, how do you plan on engaging with the community.

Long Term Vision: What is the long term vision of your work, and how will it help support the mission of Conflux to enable creators, communities, and markets to connect across borders and protocols.

Other: Please include any further information or attachments that are relevant to your application.






very cool,it is good for conflux.

Hi, is the program still active? as I haven’t seen many proposals lately, thank you!

1 Like

Program is currently paused but we are still accepting applications.


This is awesome