Conflux Artist Residency - Modern Chan-jtao

Funding Tier: $5,000

Project Overview: Music Group - Modern Chan-jtao

Project title and description
Why are you interested in creating this project and or collection?
We are interested in launching a different NFT, using a physical collection that can accompany the digital collection. We would like to innovate in how the product is delivered and about its benefits. We want to put aside the economic benefits and focus on the benefits of life. We are a rock band, we want the people who have our NFT to live the music with us, share more closely with the people who support us and become closer.
Project Details: Please include the following

High level conceptual approach
Any design mockups or sketches
Overview of the mediums being used
Your collection’s themes and thesis

We use: Recording studio, tablecloth design, AR for the designs, ipfs to store the files, physical distribution for CDs, cover printing, photography, and music distribution in physical stores.

Team: Please include the following

Name of team members, and their roles and responsibilities (we would love to hear about your artist background)

Ernesto Hernández - Guitar, social media - producer
Ubaldo Gonzales - Drums - Mix and Master
Susana Gonzales - Manager
Fer - Design

Team members’ emails and social media handles

Team’s relevant experience

Ernesto - Guitar and co-funder LYNNCH
Web Design jr.

Susana - Media Sopitas

Links to any previous work / portfolios

Web design -

Grant Milestones: This section will appear in the grants contract and will be use to verify that milestones have been reached in order to release payment. Please include the following:

Breakdown of the creative roadmap into a number of milestones, with each milestone including:

Specification of the deliverables
Requested funding for that milestone
Total grant timeline
Total estimated duration of each milestone
Below is a rough template for your grant milestones

Community Engagement: Outline your plan to grow awareness of your project. This plan should outline how you aim to achieve the community based OKRs in your milestones above. Ex. If you are creating a collection of digital designs, how do you plan on engaging with the community.

We have a series of at least 10 pots (venues for concerts) where we have been previously with bands that we had.

We have no problem filling spaces with at least 100 people per night for each place. And we can include the subject of CFX payment in each place.

We have two important dates:

2 months of preparation and completion of the album.

1 month to print covers, physical cover designs.

Web page and design of each AR that will be accompanied by each disc.

We want a month of concerts for the distribution of each disc package and NFT.

In total we counted 4 months.

Long Term Vision: What is the long term vision of your work, and how will it help support the mission of Conflux to enable creators, communities, and markets to connect across borders and protocols.

We have contact with national and international bands, our mission is to carry out Conflux to these bands and we can create a network, a Crypto community but with artists.
No other project does it with these parameters and we want to change that.

A network specializing in bands, design artists, painting, photography, web development, technology, sound, logistics. That’s where we think we can help Conflux.

Muchas gracias por leernos. Somos de MĂ©xico.
Other: Please include any further information or attachments that are relevant to your application.


Modern Chan-jtao,

Cool project I think your line of thinking is correct. Not all future NFT’s are going to be moonshots that people buy hoping it’s the next Bored Ape Yacht Club, but rather as you say just acquiring an NFT that provides some enjoyment and affiliation.

Couple of Questions:

  1. So the NFT will be associated with the CD. Does this mean there will be a QR code or something that makes it easy for your fans to find the NFT mint site?

  2. Will your fans have any Web 3.0 benefits for owning your NFT? Example: Back stage access at concerts, meet and greets, autographed merch, private access to a Discord… an exclusive fan club perhaps.

  3. Will there be any future drops that are different for new albums? Will these “OG” first edition NFT’s provide any long term utility such as guaranteed White List access to future NFT’s or air drops?

I think this could be a great project for Conflux and for yourselves. I look forward to hearing your responses.

Ryan Pena
AI on Crypto
Icarus Digital Ventures


For what you need 5000$?

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Sorry, me bloquearon un ratito la cuenta :sweat_smile:

Escribiré en español por qué en inglés me bloquea las respuesta.

  1. Sí, tendremos un cógido QR o una página web. Conflux tiene un tutorial para crear un smart contract básico para mintear NFT, ese lo vamos a utilizar y aprender a hacer el front end (sé hacer web básicas) con eso será suficiente. Además queremos usar un sistema junto a Bitcoin, dónde de manera manual vamos a validar cada NFT con un hash de bitcoin. Y para no olvidar lo manual, lo tendremos apuntado en varias libretas.

  2. Todo lo que mencionas en el segundo punto va a aplicar a todos los poseedores. Queremos llegar a muchos lugares, y ahí dónde tengamos fans buscaremos la manera de llegar y darles el concierto que se merecen. Por música no te debes preocupar, en nuestro equipo vamos a hacer todo lo posible. Es nuestro sueño.

  3. Sobre el tercer punto también estás en lo correcto.

Quienes nos puedan apoyar ahora recibirás las premisas. A diferencia de prometer porcentajes que no sabemos si se van a cumplir, nosotros sí podemos cumplir experiencias.

La cantidad que pedimos es una prueba, de que con poco podemos salir adelante.
En todo caso, si juntamos mucho. Todo esto que menciono será mucho más rápido.

Igual lo escribiré en español por qué vi que no se bloqueó mi mensaje.
Lo vamos a usar para terminar de grabar el disco y sacar la parte fĂ­sica, los CD, sacar fotos y armar un equipo portable.

Actualmente en los lugares donde tocamos no nos piden llevar bocinas, solamente las máquinas necesarias personales para tocar.
Pero con un buen equipo no vamos a desperdiciar la oportunidad.
ProofMe aquĂ­ la respuesta.

Quizá es poco cuando vemos allá afuera proyectos que recaudan miles o millones, los pierden y ya, se olvida.
Nosotros no queremos eso.

I approve of this grant. Thanks team for the reply.

A.I. on Crypto

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Gracias AI - Ryan :pray:

Hello Ryan Pena
Thank you very much for your questions and answers. I apologize for the late response, I will be more attentive to the forum.

Of course, each person who purchases our CD will have a code that will verify them as a holder of the CD for the concerts. What we want is for them to go directly to each concert and experience the catering, pre-show rehearsals and more with us. Each CD will come with a password engraved on it so that you can unlock your benefits on a website that will also go through a time stamp to verify its validity and originality.

We need to finish recording the album (we have 50%) and for that we need to hire some photographers and people to make the handmade cover. Why? because I was born in a town where certain skills are being forgotten due to the issue of machines. We want that not to be forgotten, and what better way to mix it with verifications in the chain. Also, release a couple of videos of the songs to show them what exists and what is not being seen by the ecosystem. Music is the root of revolutions, if you can’t say it, sing, or play, but that inspires people to do something. I think it’s not much money when there are people out there paying millions for a jpg, a work that has no curation, that does not arouse a feeling beyond the surprise of thinking “look at those pixels, it’s worth millions”. We want the closeness of the people, and yet include those that many in these times try to question if it is the right thing to do. n_n

This project really needs the resource in the area of music artists, maybe you need to show us some of the music or perform resources to convince the community that this project is suitable to connect between artist and the cryptocurrency community.

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We are working on an event in the city of Valencia- Venezuela. Being a musician of the band Modern Chan-jtaĂł as one of the representatives of the band to organize it. Much later we are going to organize something in Mexico City. If I can do something here in Venezuela, it can be done anywhere. I am going to include everything that I have put in the proposal, music, NFT, artists such as painters, musicians and entrepreneurs and augmented reality. My proposal is still in place and soon I will show you something with evidence of what can be put together without a budget so that you can see the scope that we can have.


Estamos trabajando en un evento en la ciudad de Valencia- Venezuela. Yo siendo músico de la banda Modern Chan-jtaó cómo uno de los representantes de la banda para organizarlo. Mucho más adelante vamos a organizar algo en la ciudad de México. Si puedo hacer algo aquí en Venezuela, se puede hacer en cualquier lugar. Voy a incluir todo lo que he puesto en la propuesta, música, NFT, artistas como pintores, músicos y emprendedores y realidad aumentada. Mi propuesta sigue puesta y pronto les voy a mostrar algo con evidencia de lo que se puede armar sin presupuesto para que puedan ver el alcance que podremos tener.