The Ecosystem Fund from the Genesis Block of Conflux Mainnet Tethys Network (launched in October 2020) is approximately 2 billion CFX, which unlocks 41.67 million CFX per month. This fund is currently being used for storage and gas fee sponsorships to support the ecosystem.
This vote is to determine whether the Ecosystem Fund will be used for other purposes for the period 12-18 months post-mainnet launch (Nov-April).
After Tethys Network has been live for 18 months, a new round of voting will be launched to discuss the Ecosystem Fund’s subsequent flows and usages.
Voting Options:
A: No other usages. Aside from storage and gas fee sponsorships, the rest will be destroyed to zero address each month
B: No other usages for now. Aside from storage and gas fee sponsorships, the rest will be locked in the staking contract until block number 98,717,967 (estimated expiration date: April 29th, 2022)
C: Besides storage and gas fee sponsorships, an investment fund will be set up to invest in and support Conflux ecosystem projects.
CFX Vote Link:
FC Vote Link:
Conflux DAO Ecosystem Governance Model:Conflux DAO 生态治理/Conflux DAO Ecosystem Governance
Conflux 网络 Tethys 创世块生态基金部分(20亿CFX),每月解锁 4167万 CFX。现用于存储抵押及燃气费代付补贴,支持Conflux链上的合约生态。Tethys网络上线12个月至18个月之间,生态基金是否还做其他用途,将由本次投票结果决定。Tethys网络上线18个月之后,将会发起新一轮的投票,重新讨论后续生态基金的流向和使用途径。
B.暂不做其他用途。每月除存储和燃气费代付补贴之外,剩下的部分,将锁定到Staking合约至区块数 98,717,967 (大约至2022年4月29日)
C.存储和燃气费代付补贴之外,设立投资基金,投资 Conflux 上的生态项目并公示