Conflux Hydra Network v2.2.1-fixpos Upgrade Announcement

This upgrade is mainly to solve the problem below:

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue that prevents the PoS voter nodes from restarting election.


Download “Conflux v2.2.1-fixpos” here:

I am a node operator/miner, what do I need to do?

If you have a running node, you need to

  • Suspend the running operation of the node
  • Replace the executable file named “conflux” in the run directory of the original node program with the Conflux executable file of the Conflux v2.2.1-fixpos node program.
  • Restart the operation of the node

If you start a new node, you can download the latest version of v2.2.1-fixpos and run it.

What will happen if I do not upgrade the nodes or refuse to upgrade?

For PoS nodes, it is strongly recommended to upgrade your node; if your nodes are not running for PoS voting and have upgraded to v2.2.1, it’ll be fine if you do not upgrade to this version.

Thanks to our community for your support!

A sincere thank you to the Conflux community and all the developers in the Conflux ecosystem. Thank you for your hard work, thoughts, and contributions. To a better future!