The Integration grant are for any project that would like to deploy on Conflux eSpace seeking to bootstrap their launch on the chain.

Be sure to review all materials before filling out application template completely and submitting the form.

Goal of Conflux Grants

  1. Creating ecosystem that is diverse and attracts liquidity.
  2. Increase liveliness of the Conflux Network
  3. Building out the Conflux technology stack with developer tooling and infrastructure.
  4. Increasing the number of developers and projects building on Conflux.

Application Process Overview

  1. Submit Application to Forum: Fill out the corresponding grant application form and submit to the forum.
  2. Evaluation: The project will receive a committee member who looks deeper into the project, discusses the necessary questions with the project, evaluates it and brings it in front of the committee.
  3. Decision: The committee will evaluate whether the project is beneficial for the ecosystem. Projects that win the majority of the committee’s votes will be awarded a grant.
  4. Deployment: In the case that a grant application is accepted, project is deployed and announced.
  5. Monitor: Progress is tracked and grant is dispersed based on agreed milestones

Note: To apply for an Integration Grant just submit your application directly to Grant Proposal section of the forum. Helpful materials:

Grant Onboarding

If your grant meets the approval requirements, you will be assigned a committee member who will facilitate your onboarding by:

  • Aligning on grant milestones
  • Signing the grant award letter
  • Aligning delivery requirements, instructions for review, and check in expectations
  • Public reporting of grant progress

Grant Key Performance Indicators

KPIs will be handed out to grants applicants to measure their success. Growth KPIs may vary depending on type of project

  • TVL
  • Number of transactions
  • User engagement
  • Website traffic
  • Social Presence
  • Ecosystem expansion

Grant Delivery

To release payment for each completed milestone, each project must complete the following steps to initiate their milestone review:

  • Ensure all public reporting requirements are met.
  • Notify the Committee of completed milestone with deliverables to review, and instructions on how to review.

Grant Program Terms of Use

All grant applicants must agree to abide by the No Sale Rule, and Public Reporting Requirements if awarded a grant.

No Sale Rule

CFX received through Conflux Grants should not be sold by the grant recipient. This “no sale” rule:

  • Includes the grant recipient and any other related persons. These persons cannot receive CFX for the purpose of selling the tokens.
  • Includes the direct exchange of CFX for crypto or fiat, whether done publicly or privately.
  • Does not include using CFX received for user incentivization or ecosystem partnerships. Eg. providing CFX as liquidity mining incentives is not restricted by these parameters.
  • There is no expiration to this rule for Growth Grants.

CFX received through Integration Grants should not be sold by the grant recipient for a period of one year unless otherwise agreed.

Public Reporting Requirements

All grant recipients must regularly update the Committee and Community on the progress of their grant in their Awardees post. Milestone Review and Forum Updates

For Growth Grants, any token transfers and distributions must be recorded with transaction hashes and links provided. The Grants Committee reserves the right to track and ask questions about any use or transfer of funds from the recipient wallet address.

Still Got Questions?

If you still have questions, you can reach us in Telegram or directly here in the forum.