Conflux Network Proposal Voting in Progress – Participate in Governance

An important governance proposal is currently live on ConfluxHub, voting on updates to key network parameters. Your participation is crucial in determining the direction of the network for the upcoming period. Here are the proposed changes:

:small_blue_diamond: POW Base Block Reward: Increase from 1.00 CFX/block to 2.00 CFX/block
:small_blue_diamond: Interest Rate: Increase from 4.08% to 8.16%
:small_blue_diamond: Storage Point Prop: Increase from 50% to 67%
:small_blue_diamond: Base Fee Sharing Prop: Increase from 50% to 67%

:ballot_box: Voting Deadline: February 11, 2025, 14:55 (UTC+8)
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Effective Date: April 12, 2025, 14:55 (UTC+8)
:link: Vote Now & View Details:

The voting power has already surpassed 32,089,450. Your voice matters! Cast your vote and share your thoughts on this proposal in our community channels and in the comments below.


¡Excelente propuesta! :rocket: Esta votación puede tener un gran impacto en el ecosistema de Conflux, así que es importante que todos participemos.

Para la comunidad hispanohablante, aquí está la documentación en español sobre gobernanza: :earth_americas: (Puedes cambiar el idioma con el botón de arriba).

¡No olvides votar y hacer oír tu voz! :ballot_box:

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