Conflux PoS Testnet 2nd Round Public Test Tutorial

Conflux PoS Testnet 2nd Round Public Test Tutorial

Start Time: Oct.9 18:00(GMT+8)

Version: v1.2.0-beta-3

Timeline: (GMT+8)

  • Start fullnode running at around Oct.9 18:00.

  • The PoS registration will start at Blocknumber 1200 (around Oct.9 18:10).

  • The PoS registration will close at Blocknumber 122400 (around Oct.10 11:00). After registration closes, you can start adding pos_config.

  • The deadline for adding pos_config is at Blockheight 200000 (around Oct.11 10:00).

Fullnode Start (around Oct.9 18:00)

1. Set up your new Chrome account

  1. Open the Chrome browser, click the account profile picture in the top-right corner, click the “add” in the pop-up window to set up a new Chrome profile.

  1. Select “Continue without an account” to continue as a guest account.
  2. Click “Done” and finish account set-up. You can chance your profile afterwards.
  3. Chrome will automatically switch to the new account after set-up. Your account name will be displayed on the top-right corner.

2. Install ConfluxPortal

Install the Conflux Portal in the newly created Chrome account.

You can refer to ConfluxPortal v0.6.10 update tutorial for installing: ConfluxPortal v0.6.10 Upgrade Tutorial

3. Set a new blockchain network

Blockchain Name: PoS testnet1


4. Set configuration of the full node program

Running test notes on Windows:

  • We recommend you to close your anti-virus software
  • Your Windows 10’s version must be 1903 or higher

You need to download the following files:

Preparation of running full node program:

  • Create a directory named conflux
  • Extract the download package to the directory

:warning: The directory structure should look like this:

└── run
    └── conflux.exe
    └── conflux.pdb
    └── pos_testnet.toml
    └── log.yaml
    └── clear_state.bat
    └── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
    └── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
    └── start.bat
    └── throttling.toml

Configuration set-up instructions

You need follow these two steps to edit pos_testnet.toml file in order to set up the configuration.

# mining_author="net8888:xxxxxxxxxx..."

The command should look like this after edition:

# mining_type = "stratum"
  • Delete “#” and the space before “mining_type…”
  • Replace “stratum” with “cpu”

The command should look like this after edition:

5. Turn on the test mode

Open the log.yaml file and find the commands shown in the following figures, replace all the “info” with “debug”, then save the file.

The command should look like this after edition:

6. Run the full node programme

Open the run folder. Right-click your mouse to copy the directory path as the following picture shown.

Press win and R on the keyboard. Open the command window by entering “cmd”.


Enter cd + space + the directory path you copied before.


Start full node by entering the command start.bat.

PoS Registration (Blocknumber 1200, around Oct.9 18:10)


We need to set the password when starting the node for the first time. This password is used to encrypt the private key of PoS. Press “enter” when you see the content on the screen as below:

PoS key is not detected and will be generated instead, please input your encryption password. This password is needed when you restart the node


Right-click the “Start” icon on the left corner of your screen and then press “Windows PowerShell”;


Copy the directory path of the run directory using right-click. Enter cd + space + the directory path you copied in Powershell.


Run the command:

./conflux rpc local pos register --power 1

The first returned value is the data field requied when registering for PoS transactions. The second returned value is the address of the PoS account (you won’t be using this for the testing)


Access in the browser and connect your wallet(using the conflux testnet). Your balance will be updated. This process might take a couple minutes.



Click “Stake CFX to get the right to vote” and choose the staking CFX amount (at least 100). Then click “Deposit”. This action need to be confirmed in the portal.


Click “Lock your staking to obtain interest” after staking successfully. Then paste the data field you received in step 4 and enter the votes you would like to lock (100 CFX for 1 vote). Confirm in the portal.

PoS Transition Test (Blockheight 122400, around Oct.10 11:00; finish before Blockheight 200000, around Oct.11 10:00)

PoS Transition test will start at Blockheight 122400 and end at Blockheight 200000.

GitHub download link:

Download the package in the link pos_config-v1.2.0-beta-3.tgz and uncompress the package. Put the files under run-pos_config folder.


Q1: If I accidentally delete the pos_key file under pos_config folder, what should I do?

A1: You shold not delele the file pos_key. If you deleted it, you need to reconnect and withdraw the staking. You need to wait for 9 hours for the CFX to be unlocked and then re-register. We suggest you to skip the wait and using a new Chrome account to test.

Q2: The program has stuck for more than 20 minutes, what should I do?

A2:Restart your program.

Q3: What should I do if the transaction failed when approving the locking CFX transaction while succeeded when approving staking CFX transaction

A3: Go to Conflux portal->account profile->settings->advanced, look for the “custom nonce” and turn it on. When you turn on the “custom nounce”, each time when you need to approve for a transaction, a textbox will pop-up and ask you to enter a nounce. Enter nounce each time when you are asked.

Q4: Where can I report bugs during testing?

A4: upload stderr.txt, pos.log and log folder to a Google Drive folder, and share the link with Cike in Discord.

Q5: How to unlock votes?

Q5: Cilck the “Unlock votes”.

Q6: What should I be cautious about when I restart the node?

A6: Enter the same password you set in the first time and you should be fine:

PoS key detected, please input your encryption password.

now is just 10:00 AM GMT+8, but I can’t do PoS registration.