Conflux Sign and Verify Web3 App

Technical Grant Application:
Conflux sign and verify Web3 App
A really simple app which shows the basics usage of web3.cfx.personal.sign and web3.cfx.personal.ecRecover along side the Metamask and Fluent Wallets. - Funding Tier1

Application Introduction

Conflux sign and verify Web3 App
A really simple app which shows the basics usage of web3.cfx.personal.sign and web3.cfx.personal.ecRecover along side the Metamask and Fluent Wallets.
Community can sign and verify Conflux Signed Messages 24/7 via that Web3 App.


  1. That task required only my own work.
    My contact email: [email protected]

Total budget and funding tier

The estimated budget is
100$ x 40h = 4 000$
Server+Hosting+ Domain ( - as example) = 1 000$
Total: 5 000$ (TIER 1)


Init projet (Github, fork and init project) : 5H
Developpment and unit tests : 30H
Publish and testing (publish on npm) : 3H
Documentation and sharing git : 2H
Rent server, hosting, domain+ up frontend: 10H

Current Functionality

A really simple app which shows the basics usage of web3.cfx.personal.sign and web3.cfx.personal.ecRecover.

Technical proporsal

The existing Sign In With Conflux stack should be used: and should be forked: eth-sign-and-verify adjusted with all needs modifications, so it works with Conflux.
Also provide an easy-to-follow documentation;
The implementation should adhere to EIP-4361 as much as possible;
The implementation should be open-sourced.

This project requires no smart contracts.
Previous art:,

Known challenges:
Understanding typed signatures ( and deeply understanding EIP-4361

Specification of the software

Web3 Stack

Strong linter conditions for easy maintenance and clear code.
Comments and units tests


I can maintain or give the privileges on git to new maintener.



I don’t really understand the goal of this application and I don’t think that’s really useful for the Conflux community . The SIWC ( library already contains exemples and QuickStart here :

And in my opinion (is just mine), $5000 for this simple application that can be done in 1 day seems a bit overpriced. The same goes for the 1000$ for the hosting of the domain name. Nowadays there are many platforms that allow to host simple html and JS files for free.

But look at SIWC it’s same “one day” application :slight_smile: and by fact no one use it after that.
I’m can start to explain more deeper here what, step by step, required realisation of App in that application. Even with SIWC, it’s touch areas that not realise on CFX side on that moment. So would be needs minimal add few new methods to Conflux and add it to global Web3 Modal(fork, not always, simple copy paste, with changing one-two names or “quantity” fields). Coz it’s application, at most, about “Sign and Verify Messages on Conflux Network”, not about Web3 Authenticity.( Sign in With Conflux I’m share my application. What is Mass oriented Protocols / technologies without DApps and Apps? Practical. Same as Token Factory.(Just example). Code is open. And free. Anyone can deploy tokens. But by fact work with source and scripts not anyone can. Same as deploy frontend. If all sources was not have UI, Frontend and user friendly Interfaces, how deep and massive would be applying any of mass oriented technologies? May be you want to say that it’s expansive? 1000$ it’s a payment not for one day or month:) it’s long term rent with up Own CFX full node.(or you want to suggest up DApps that operate work your Wallet Adress on “free” Hosting, that can drop without any pre request, and also not have, as usual, normal security level? I’m oriented on other grants applications and set same tier in real for same task, near same difficulty range . So I cannot agree with all. But anyway say thanks for your feedback.