Conflux Tethys Network v1.1.3 Upgrade Announcement

RPC Improvements

  • Include blockHash, epochHash, epochNumber, transactionHash, and transactionPosition for trace RPCs.
    Note that the data format returned by trace_block is incompatible with old versions.
  • Add new field offset in log filters used in cfx_getLogs.
    If specified, the response will skip the last offset logs.
    For instance, with 10 matching logs (0..9) and offset=0x1, limit=0x5, the response will contain logs 4..8.
    Note: Even if you specify offset, the corresponding logs still need to be processed by the node,so a filter with offset=10000, limit=10 has about the same performance as a filter with offset=0, limit=100010.
  • Add a new parameter subscription_epoch to the epochs pubsub.
    The supported values are "latest_mined" (default) and "latest_state".
  • Add cfx_getAccountPendingInfo to get pending transaction info for some account for better investigating pending tx problems.

Configuration Improvements

  • Allow immediately packing sent transactions in dev mode by keeping dev_block_interval_ms unset.
    Note that setting dev_block_interval_ms will disable this immediate packing and generate blocks only periodically.

Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the state implementation for better cache performance.

Bug fix

  • Fix a bug that makes running nodes in dev mode not generate blocks automatically.


The new version of the node program can be downloaded in

I am a node operator/miner, what do I need to do?

If you have started the node, you need to suspend the operation of the node first, and then replace the executable file named “conflux” in the run directory of the original node program with the Conflux executable file of the Conflux v1.1.3 node program. It can be restarted later.
If you start a new node, you can download the latest version of Conflux v1.1.3 and run it.

What will happen if I do not upgrade the nodes or refuse to upgrade?

Under normal circumstances, there will be no problems. This upgrade does not involve the content of the consensus layer, it is your choice to upgrade or not.

What impact will it have on ordinary users?

During the upgrade process of nodes running on the chain, some services may be affected and delayed. After the node upgrade is completed, it will return to normal.

Thanks to our community for your support!

A sincere thank you to the Conflux community and all the developers in the Conflux ecosystem. Thank you for your hard work, thoughts, and contributions. To a better future!