Conflux tokens approvals

Hello all,

I present you the Conflux tokens approvals WebApp !

The goal of this application is to improve users’ security by helping them become aware of the amount of funds in their wallet that might be operated by other actors. It is essential infrastructure that improves the overall UX of Conflux.

  • Work on Conflux coreSpace (Fluent) and eSpace (MetaMask)

  • Manage your ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens

  • Revoke (set to 0) or choose a custom managed amount for each contract

You can easier manage all approved contracts which have rights on your assets. If you want to know more about the risk of approved contracts on your assets, you can get more informations here

Link to Grant Proposal : Grant Proposal : Token Approvals
Link to Website :
Link to twitter :
Link to Github :

Grant Description
Purpose of the system : This project improves users’ security by helping them become aware of the amount of funds in their wallet that might be operated by other actors. It is essential infrastructure that improves the overall UX of Conflux.

Scope of the system: The application will be public and accessible to all, deployed on a CDN. Users can check token approvals of any adresses and connect their wallet to revoke any token contracts.

Grant Funding Tier : Tier 1 (3.800$)

Grant milestone:

Grant Status: In review by conflux team


Why not add it to your PoS Pool source?

Hey @Mitrandir, sure good idea I’ll add the link of the PoS Pool on the footer ! Thanks

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Congrats @Charlie the final review for the Conflux Grant has been completed and approved. Thanks for such a useful tool!

Grant Description
· Project: Token Approvals
· Forum Link: Grant Proposal : Token Approvals
· Total Grant Amount: $3800

Milestone Under Review

Milestone 1: Token Approvals Project development (3800$)

1.1a. Initialize Github
1.1b. Initialize CI
1.1c. Initialize Documentation
1.2a. Components/Layout development
1.2b. UI/UX/SE
1.2c. SDK/API/WEB3 integration
1.3a. Hosting configuration
1.3b. Domain configuration
1.4a. Creation of topic/subject on the official telegram group (French and English)
1.4b. Creation of topic/subject on the official conflux forum

Review / Deliverables Link:

Features of the application

  • Display all informations about approved contracts for ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens for a given address. (Transactions hash, contract, spender, total value managed) :white_check_mark:
  • Possibility to manage approvals token for each contract :white_check_mark:
  • Possibility to connect Fluent or/and Metamask (depends of the space) :white_check_mark:
  • Support both spaces (eSpace and coreSpace) :white_check_mark:
  • Responsive and adaptable on mobile :white_check_mark:
  • How to install and run the project locally :white_check_mark:
  • How to contribute :white_check_mark:
  • Deliverable :white_check_mark:

Source code
1a. Link to a public GitHub repository :white_check_mark:
1b. A member of the Conflux team should be added as “Maintainer” to ensure long-term maintenance of the project :white_check_mark:

Product features
2a. A header with buttons to connect fluent/metamask :white_check_mark:
2b. An input to search approvals for a given address :white_check_mark:
2c. A toggle to hide/display approvals with allowance equal to 0 :white_check_mark:
2d. 3 clickable tabs (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155) :white_check_mark:
2e. For each tab, a table with related approvals (Tsx hash, contract infos, spender, token, allowance, balance, and manage button/input) :white_check_mark:
2f. The site should have pleasant UI/UX :white_check_mark:
2g. The site should be responsive and adaptable on mobile devices :white_check_mark:

3a. Link to the deployed product under a unique domain :white_check_mark:
3b. CI integration with automatic deployment when PRs are merged :white_check_mark:

4a. Item: How to install and run the project locally :white_check_mark:

Social & Community: :white_check_mark:
5a. Creation of a Twitter account
5b. Creation of topic/subject on the official Telegram group (French and English)
5c. Creation of topic/subject on the official Conflux Forum
5d. Product launch announcement on Twitter, Telegram, Conflux Forum, and Conflux Discord