Conflux v2.4.1 Upgrade Announcement

This upgrade is mainly to solve the problems below:

RPC Improvements

  • Implement debug_trace* RPCs for espace like geth.
  • Implement eth_getBlockReceipts.
  • Optimize core space debug and test namespace RPC methods.
  • Optimize eSpace main RPC method error message.
  • Make cfx_sendTransaction and cfx_signTransaction support 2930&1559 type transactions.
  • Make eth_call and eth_estimate support revert custom error.
  • Add espace fee history cache for the latest 1024 blocks to improve query performance.
  • Support both input and data for CallRequest.
  • Add reason for transaction pool replacement.
  • Update core space RPC block.gasUsed behavior to express more info.
  • Unset zero gas when calling espace estimate and call.

Note: The maximum gas value supported by the eth_estimateGas and eth_call RPC methods is set to 15 million by default. If the gas value exceeds this limit, an error will be returned. If a higher value is needed, it can be adjusted through the configuration option max_estimation_gas_limit. For example, it can be set to 30 million.

Storage Improvements

  • Optimize state and account checkpoints.
  • Rewrite state prefetcher.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix espace zero gas_price estimate error issue.
  • Change block gas_limit according CIP1559.
  • Fix eth_estimate not checking if balance is enough for gas-fee issue when passing max-fee-per-gas.

Code Improvements

  • Remove unnecessary unsafe codes.
  • Refactor codes for better maintainability.


Download “Conflux v2.4.1” here:

I am a node operator/miner, what do I need to do?

If you have a running node, you need to

  • Suspend the running operation of the node
  • Replace the executable file named “conflux” in the run directory of the original node program with the Conflux executable file of the Conflux v2.4.1 node program.
  • Restart the operation of the node

If you start a new node, you can download the latest version of Conflux v2.4.1 and run it.

What will happen if I do not upgrade the nodes or refuse to upgrade?

It is strongly recommended to upgrade your node, this upgrade aims to improve node stability.

Thanks to our community for your support!

A sincere thank you to the Conflux community and all the developers in the Conflux ecosystem. Thank you for your hard work, thoughts, and contributions. To a better future!

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