ConfluxPortal has been updated to version 0.6.12

The upcoming upgrade of Conflux Portal will optimize the Gas Price policy to allow users’ transactions to be executed in the event of transaction congestion on the Conflux Tethys network. If the recommended Gas Price of the network exceeds the upper limit of the single transaction for Gas payment under the contract, users have to pay the Gas fee by themselves and would not use Gas fee contract payment.

If you have downloaded the Portal plug-in from the Chrome Web Store, the plug-in will update to version 0.6.12 automatically.

For Chinese mainland users, it is recommended to use the Firefox browser with the Portal plug-in. The ConfluxPortal plug-in downloaded from the Firefox browser official plug-in store will automatically update to version 0.6.12.

If you have downloaded the Portal file from GitHub, you need to download the latest version and update it manually.