**Conflux Ecosystem Grants **
**Grant Proposal Outline **
**Your proposal should address the following questions: **
● Project Overview: Please include the following:
o Project title and description of the project.
Invite Lucks and Real Coins
Tokenize the Digital Art Provenance, intellectual rights and create a greater collection experience.
o How will this project be integrated into Conflux?
- NFT token will build with CRC-721
- Accept all CRC-20 token (CFX, cETH, cUSDT, cDAI, cUNI, … etc) as payment to bring more utilization for the tokens. Even can be open for direct accepting ETH, USDT and more other coins and channel for Shuttle-in via ShuttleFlow .
- Royalty rewards return with CFX
o Why is your team interested in creating this project?
We would like to solved the No.1 Problem which is “Why need to buy/invest in NFT?”.
Therefore our project will focus to solve 4 major pain points:
- Provenance, intellectual Rights and authenticity for digital art
- Solve the 98% unsold newly mint NFTs
- Build a greater liquidity for secondary market
- Provide a seamless way for artist to launch new NFT art
● Project Details: Please include the following:
o High-level technical approach, product flow & architecture (along with a diagram).
High-level technical approach
Product flow
Refer the full slides for more diagram
o Any mockup designs of user facing components.
Visit to https://Neko.Exchange/
o Overview of the technology stack being used, including API specifications, and documentation of core components.
Solidity, Openzepplin , VueJs
o Ecosystem fit: How can the project benefit Conflux Network’s ecosystem?
- NFT is 1 token to 1 transaction, therefore is perfect match by utilizing Conflux high throughputs nature. This mean able to handle high volume of NFT transactions during the demanding period.
- Accept buyers use all CRC-20 token created on Shuttleflow to buy. (refer to Deck’s Page 9)
- Accept buyers use any ERC-20 Token by internally channel to ShuttleFlow for Shuttle-IN (if the API is available)
- Use CFX as the Maneki Payout, which mean potentially to make more CFX Holder onboarding. (refer to Deck’s Page 12)
- Cross listing to any Conflux NFT exchanges such as TSpace.
● Team: Please include the following:
o Name of team members, and their roles and responsibilities.
o Team members/emails/social media handles/github.
Eric Chan
Founder : Tokenomic, Digital Artist, UX design and Project Management
Arnold Keoy
Tech lead : Development, deployment and delivery, Handle github
New team mate
Dapp Engineer : DApp Development, Report Design and Development
Blockchain Engineer : Blockchain & Security Development
Backend Engineer : Administrative tool and API
Community manager : Community, social media and content editor
o Provide the name and registered address of the legal entity that will be delivering the project. Team’s relevant experience.
Company : Harvest Camasu Sdn Bhd
Company registration no. : 762227-M
Company Established : Year 2007
Country : Malaysia
Founder and Director : Eric Chan
Experience : 14 years as Technopreneur
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-chan-6ab25b10/
o Team’s github code repositories.
At the moment we don’t create/upload any repositories as we keep at proprietary. But, is planned to open source for coming development and will upload to github code repositories.
● Development Roadmap: This section will appear in the grants contract, and will be used to verify that milestones have been reached in order to release grant payments. Please include the following:
o Breakdown of the development roadmap into a number of milestones, with each milestone including:
Refer Diagram below
o Specification of the software or deliverable (will be used to confirm milestones have been reached).
Refer Diagram below
o Requested funding, milestone duration, and number of full time employees on each milestone.
Refer Diagram below
o Number of days, and cost per day.
180 Days, Average Cost Per day USD 433
o **Total estimated duration and cost of the whole project. **
6 months for Development
6 months for Marketing
Total USD 158,000
USD 50,000 grants is applied for Development.
● Long Term Vision: What is the team’s long term vision for the project?
After solving the New minting and secondary market flow. Next is to focus on building a better provenance, authentication and adoption with decentralize system and use cases.
● Community Engagement: We ask that you publish an article or tutorial to be shared with your community outlining your work as part of the grant.
Yes. We will do this.
● Delivery Requirements: Please provide a test suite (e.g. integration tests if applicable), along with guides on how to run, as well as dockerfiles or Github repositories for the delivery of your project.
Yes. We will do this.
● Other: Please include any further information that is relevant to your application.
Additional - slides