Non-Figgybles Grant

Open Grant - Non-Figgybles

Description: NonFiggybles is both a marketplace, as well as a distributed network built on Conflux Network.

Target Market: Emerging artists, social influencers, students, NFT creators/developers

The benefit to Conflux: Help the ecosystem with our community. Also partnered with key players in the Conflux ecosystem like ConDragon, Moonswap, and Flux01 to create co-marketing strategies where we can showcase NonFiggybles

Team :

Cristian - Founder / Operations
Elisha - Backend Developer
Iason - Frontend Developer
Luke - Marketing

How will this project be integrated into Conflux?

NFT token will build with CRC115/ CRC721
Accept all CRC-20 token (CFX, cETH, cUSDT, cUSDC)
Rewards return with $FIGGY ( seller/buyers)

Why is your team interested in creating this project?

Benefits Over Competitors and Unique Value Add
Instant transactions
First permissionless NFT marketplace on Conflux Network
First NFT minting tool on Conflux Network
Cross-chain NFT bridge (post-launch)
First native token launched on Conflux Network

Project Details

Product flow & Architecture


Any mockup designs of user-facing components.

Ecosystem fit: How can the project benefit Conflux Network’s ecosystem?


Cristian Figueroa - Founder / Operations
Elisha - Backend Developer
Iason Perikleous - Frontend Developer
Luke - Marketing


Development Roadmap:



1 NonFiggyble Project Structure

  • Build a landing page
  • Start developing the smart contract
  • Start developing the frontend for users to use the marketplace
  • Register the company/foundation
  • Launch token minter tool
  • Allow for initial auction price and auctions, royalties, instant buy trigger, unlocked when purchased capabilities, and mint off NonFiggybles platform functionality.

2 NonFiggyble Prototype

  • Update website with full information about the project
  • Prepare documentation
  • Finish developing the marketplace smart contract
  • Inject Conflux JS-SDK
  • Start auditing (open-source audit tool)
  • Finish frontend development
  • Begin governance and token development

3 Launch NonFiggyble V1

  • Token issuance and airdrop
  • Launch marketplace
  • Begin liquidity mine on Moonswap
  • Kick-off marketing events
  • Launch Aragon Governance
  • Audit

Specification of the software or deliverable will be used to confirm milestones have been reached

Total estimated duration and cost of the whole project

Budget & Cost

Budget ($USDT)

Marketing Budget
The marketing plan will be described in further detail below
Artist Budget (Source initial listings)
$ 3k
An initial pool of liquidity we will use to source artists and the initial listings on the platform
Cloud Service / Operations
$ 500
A small reserve of tokens used for web hosting, smart contract sponsorship, and other operational expenses
Reserve Balance
Reserve balance of $1k that will be used in case of out-of-the-blue expenses in the future
Core Team
Community and Translation

Long Term Vision What is the team’s long-term vision for the project?

Our ultimate goal is to evolve towards a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) built on Aragon, where all decision rights will belong to the platform users.

$FIGGY token. It Will be awarded to the active users of the platform, it will act as the governance instrument also will enable collectors and creators to vote on multiple upgrades and decide how the platform should develop further. This makes the governance of the platform directly responsive to our most active users and brings Non-Figgybles closer to being a public good operated by the community members who value it most.

$FIGGY token holder rights
I. Voting on system upgrades
II. Moderating creators on the platform
III. Curating featured artworks
IV. Treasury Management

Community Engagement:

Layout :
Social Media: Publish project highlights, proposals for DAO votes, news and announcements on Twitter, Medium, Instagram, Discord and Wechat at least three times a week (This will be executed by the marketing manager). Collaborate with designers from the marketing team, artists, and ambassadors to facilitate in posting more pictures or other visualizations in order to gain more reviews.

NonFiggybles Community Content Publishing: Collect articles monthly from the community on topics related to NonFiggybles in exchange for $FIGGY tokens in the reserve fund. Topics can be around their own stories in the NFTverse either related or not related to NonFiggybles, proposals to future developments of NonFiggybles, and any other topics the community is interested in. Review and select the most valuable articles and publish on NonFiggybles Medium for the English community and WeChat for the Chinese community. Assign rare NonFiggyble NFTs to the writers and contributors.

Community Feedback Collection Campaign: Collect community feedback on new proposals, new features and other cool ideas. Create a community feedback intake online form to collect feedback from the community and then forward the feedback to the dev team to help create more community-selected NonFiggybles features.

NonFiggybles Volunteer Campaign: Collaborate and lead all volunteers to work together to complete volunteer tasks and reward volunteers upon task completion. The volunteer tasks will be announced on social media and task details will be explained on Discord/Wechat groups to volunteers. Our marketing manager will be tracking volunteer task completion status with the community managers and reward volunteers in time dependant on their contributions.

China Marketing Campaign: Due to the unique position Conflux Network has in China, we believe a key market to penetrate which is both attainable and untapped is China. However, due to the general lack of market awareness of NFTs in China, we believe the strategy here would be to get community managers on the ground who knows how to better navigate the region, the plan of localization in the China market would be a portion of the funds that comes out of the marketing budget. We will be collaborating with China community managers to execute the following plans:

NonFiggyblesCN Media: Partner with top China Media and create and publish PR articles across top China media platforms using Conflux Network connections and localization experts.

NonFiggyblesCN digital marketing campaign: Design NonFiggybles stickers, pictures and videos and encourage the community to share on their social media.

AMA: Host AMA with China community bi-weekly

NonFiggyblesCN Meetups: Host meetups and discuss project development, proposals and road map with the community more closely at least once a quarter in China (when virus situation allows for it)

Support dev team to add Mandarin to website

Conflux Network Marketing Campaign: Part of our challenge in growing NonFiggybles will be luring over artists from the Ethereum platform over to a growing platform like Conflux Network. We aim to involve Conflux Network in our marketing strategy to help share the growing ecosystem with our community and vice-versa. We have already partnered with key players in the Conflux ecosystem like ConDragon, Moonswap, and Flux01 to create co-marketing strategies where we can showcase NonFiggybles, as well as provide a new NFT marketplace for all of their NFT efforts. We believe the best way to grow the ecosystem is to partner with other ecosystem players so that we can scale quickly and provide a much-needed ecosystem tool that will benefit all current and future developers coming to the chain.


Looks very good, great job!

First native token launched on Conflux Network? what about trea?

Overall, this project is cool~~


@Figgy Thanks for submitting Non-Figgybles grant application! Could you please clarify your development roadmap? Specifically the timeline and budget for each milestone.

Thanks! Let us know if you have any questions.

1 Like


Thanks for sharing your proposal @Figgy. Can you include what has been already completed or currently in production? Regarding the breakdown of weeks, can you breakdown how long each phase will take?

Thanks for your submission! Cool project and I see you’ve already made significant headway with the smart contract implementation.

Would be great if you could make your development roadmap more detailed. In terms of time and also the specific deliverables for each milestone so that we can verify progress. Below are some more questions.

  1. For NFT marketplaces diverse and quality content is key. What’s your plan for bringing artists/creators to Non-Figgibles?

  2. Could you clarify whether Non-Figgibles operates as a primary market or a secondary market for NFT tokens?

  3. You mention partnerships with ConDragon, MoonSwap, and Flux. Are these partnerships primarily for marketing or do you plan any integrations? You also mention “begin liquidity mine on Moonswap”, could you clarify what you mean by this, is this about setting up a CFX/$FIGGY pool?

  4. “Rewards return with $FIGGY (seller/buyers)” Please elaborate.

  5. Do you see your product as competitor or complementary to tSpace, MoonSwap, NFT Box, Dionyos, etc.

  6. Do you plan to launch on Conflux only or on multiple chains?

  7. Some of your features have dependencies not yet available on Conflux: multi-chain NFT bridge and the Aragon DAO framework. Do you have a plan in case these tools do not become available within the next few months?

  8. This part seems to be missing: “Overview of the technology stack being used, including API specifications, and documentation of core components.” Please add some info on your tech stack and an overview of the main technical components of your system.


Amazing!! We will be waiting for the launch!!!

what about your project,bro.any news?

Still plans for built in patronage like we’d thought about?

The DAO seems interesting, where do you envision the DAO being used for?

Hello and thank you for submitting your grant!

Thegaram covered most everything that i would have brought up lol.

What current phase are you on – and do you have estimated date or timelines for your roadmap, will you need grant allocation for these milestones on the roadmap?

Very Respectfully,

this is very big selling point to Conflux and it’s ecosystem, to have cross-chain NFT creation and trading with no gas fees!

Hi! Nice to see you here. I followed this project in discord since March.
Here are several questions:

1.What has been already completed so far? It seemed almost done when I visit the website last time(maybe early May), except for the wallet connection.

2.Is there any artist (or IP resource) ready to launch his/her artworks on this platform? And is there any activity when this platform launched if the answer is no? Except for yield farming.

  1. Aragon is more like a dispute resolution. There is a Dapp called Stampers on Conflux normal used for DAO proposals. So do you have any specific reason for using Aragon?. Well, actually there is a new project similar to Aragon applying for grants in Chinese community.

4.There are lots of NFTs on Conflux. Is this platform plans to support all(or most part) of them? And how will you promote users transacting on this platform? What is the most competitive feature of this platform, comparing with Moonswap, Tspace and NFTBox?

Thanks for the patience everyone, just wanted to make sure everyone asked their questions.

Could you please clarify your development roadmap? Specifically the timeline and budget for each milestone.

Development of the smart contracts have already started, Minting tool, marketplace, ERC121, governance token, airdrop are all done. ERC115 is under development. Front end development has already started, changes to the site are being made then responsive UI is next.

Can you include what has been already completed or currently in production? Regarding the breakdown of weeks, can you break down how long each phase will take?


Register the company/foundation
Prepare documentation
Inject Conflux JS-SDK - Start auditing (open-source audit tool)
Mobile app for iOS & Android
More community operation and grow users
NFT market index tokens
Price Discovery Mechanism
Social Features (accounts, user profiles)
More Types of Content (AR+VR+Metaverse)
Fractional Ownership
Cross-chain NFTs on Ethereum
Moongaming integration.


Start developing the frontend for users to use the marketplace(2-3 WEEKS)
Update website with full information about the project(2-3 WEEKS)
Finish frontend development(2-3 WEEKS)
Token issuance, IDO, Liquidity Mine(2-3 WEEKS)
Launch marketplace and governance(2-3 WEEKS)
Social Features (accounts, user profiles) ( 2-3 )


Start developing the smart contract and front end (DONE)
Launch token minter tool(DONE)
Allow for initial auction price and auctions, royalties, instant buy trigger, unlocked when purchased capabilities, and mint off 20 NonFiggybles platform functionality(DONE)
Finish developing the marketplace smart contract
Begin governance and token development(DONE)
Kick-off marketing events(channel activity, initiation of community lead podcast,previewing artist exclusive to NonFiggybles)(DONE)

For NFT marketplaces diverse and quality content is key. What’s your plan for bringing artists/creators to Non-Figgibles?

We plan on bringing artists/creators through various avenues such as but not limited to:
Offering exposure for artists’ work through the multiple Non-Figgbles media channels
Allowing for artist insight into the construction and design of the web platform
A share of tokens for artists exclusively working with Non-Figgbles
Below is a graphic with a success strategy that Non-Figgs will pursue in order to acquire artwork from talented artists found in every social media channel available.

Could you clarify whether Non-Figgibles operates as a primary market or a secondary market for NFT tokens?

NonFiggybles goal is to establish itself as the premier primary I marketplace for NFT auctions, the platform’s main objective is to make the exclusive NFT’s focal point of the consumer’s experience.

You mention partnerships with ConDragon, MoonSwap, and Flux. Are these partnerships primarily for marketing or do you plan any integrations? You also mention “begin liquidity mine on Moonswap”, could you clarify what you mean by this, is this about setting up a CFX/$FIGGY pool?

We plan to use all these partnerships in both marketing and integration. (To ensure that we are able to capitalize on our mutually beneficial partnerships, Non-Figgs will be implementing our partners both in the marketing and the integration of their systems into the platform) At this NonFiggybles is currently in the process of integrating NFT vaults partnership with Moonswap( Genesis/Guardians/ConHero/ConDragon )

“Rewards return with $FIGGY (seller/buyers)” Please elaborate.

rewards will be distributed to consumers who made a sale or acquisition on NonFiggybles during the week. For the period of 200 weeks, both buyers and sellers equally receive 50% of the distributed amount.

Do you see your product as competitor or complementary to tSpace, MoonSwap, NFT Box, Dionyos, etc.

We see NonFiggybles as a complementary Dapp in the ecosystem, which would work hand and hand with tSpace, MoonSwap, NFT Box, Dionyos, etc.

Do you plan to launch on Conflux only or on multiple chains?

At this moment nothing is planned. We hope after launch to expand to multiple chains to increase exposure and overall traffic.

Some of your features have dependencies not yet available on Conflux: multi-chain NFT bridge and the Aragon DAO framework. Do you have a plan in case these tools do not become available within the next few months?

Different adjusts will be made in the event if these features are not available to us prior to launch.

This part seems to be missing: “Overview of the technology stack being used, including API specifications, and documentation of core components.” Please add some info on your tech stack and an overview of the main technical components of your system.


Built in patronage like we’d thought about?

Of course, it’s a minor feature I didn’t think to mention but it will be added.

Where do you envision the DAO being used for?

We feel that the DAO will allow the community to take charge where they could vote on system upgrades,moderating creators on the platform,employ ambassadors to find artists, curating featured artworks,and treasury management. We want the DAO to be where all decisions will belong to the platform users and to decide how the platform should develop further.

What current phase are you on – and do you have estimated date or timelines for your roadmap, will you need grant allocation for these milestones on the roadmap?
***1.What has been already completed so far? It seemed almost done when I visited the website last time(maybe early May), except for the wallet connection. ***
Broken down what and what hasn’t been completed by highlights and weeks (Here it again)


Register the company/foundation
Prepare documentation
Inject Conflux JS-SDK - Start auditing (open-source audit tool)
Mobile app for iOS & Android
More community operation and grow users
NFT market index tokens
Price Discovery Mechanism
Social Features (accounts, user profiles)
More Types of Content (AR+VR+Metaverse)
Fractional Ownership
Cross-chain NFTs on Ethereum
Moongaming integration.


Start developing the frontend for users to use the marketplace(2-3 WEEKS)
Update website with full information about the project(2-3 WEEKS)
Finish frontend development(2-3 WEEKS)
Token issuance, IDO, Liquidity Mine(2-3 WEEKS)
Launch marketplace and governance(2-3 WEEKS)
Social Features (accounts, user profiles) ( 2-3 )


Start developing the smart contract and front end (DONE)
Launch token minter tool(DONE)
Allow for initial auction price and auctions, royalties, instant buy trigger, unlocked when purchased capabilities, and mint off 20 NonFiggybles platform functionality(DONE)
Finish developing the marketplace smart contract
Begin governance and token development(DONE)
Kick-off marketing events(channel activity, initiation of community lead podcast,previewing artist exclusive to NonFiggybles)(DONE)

2.Is there any artist (or IP resource) ready to launch his/her artworks on this platform? And is there any activity when this platform launches if the answer is no? Except for yield farming.

A couple of artists have already agreed, here’s some who have. Also, we will have NFT stalking. We plan to have a full gallery in the marketplace once launch happens.


Aragon is more like a dispute resolution. There is a Dapp called Stampers on Conflux normal used for DAO proposals. So do you have any specific reason for using Aragon?. Well, actually there is a new project similar to Aragon applying for grants in Chinese community.

Snapshot is just an interface for aragon, no specific reason,we only chose the argon framework because our devs are familiar with it.

There are lots of NFTs on Conflux. Is this platform plans to support all(or most part) of them? And how will you promote users transacting on this platform? What is the most competitive feature of this platform, comparing with Moonswap, Tspace and NFTBox?

NonFiggybles is permissionless and we will support all the NFT’s on Conflux. We also included transaction mines to prompt users using NonFiggybles and continue further using it. Focusing on being the hub of NFT’s on Conflux will be the way we promote the Dapp.

Thank you for your detailed answer!

I guess by ERC115 you mean ERC1155. What is ERC121, could you please clarify?

Access to this doc is limited, please make it public.

Re: milestones, I see you have all the tasks ahead laid out already, it looks great. What we’re looking for is a set of milestones with grant allocation and specific deliverables that we can evaluate once your development is ready, basically a checklist of the features you deliver for this grant. I suggest you refer to the “Milestones” section here for an example.

Here’s an update of the milestones upcoming for Non-Figgybles

1 Like

Congratulations @Figgy your grant application was approved by the Global Grants Committee!

For reference, below is the voting results:


How progress is going guys?