One-Click PoS Pool deployment - GS PoS Pool

You can choose three different networks to run it. In each network, you have to prepare enough CFX to run it. To export a private key, you can try clicking the account details and choose export.

Which one allows people to stake on it at the highest security? Main?

For clicking the account details and choosing export, is that on fluent? I don’t see it as an option on fluent

hi frank,

for example, if i go to the address formatter on conflux scan, and use the old converter, i get only 42 hexes for my 0x address. How do we find the 66 hexes required for the private key? in fluent, the private key doesn’t start with 0x

export Password=$Password

echo "4/4. Please provide private key 0x**** to create the pool (make sure this address has equal or more than 1100 cfx in Core  and 10 cfx in eSpace ) eg:0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116421777"

export IsValidPrivateKey="0"
while [  "$IsValidPrivateKey" = "0"   ]
read  -s -p "PrivateKey: "  PrivateKey
if [[ ${#PrivateKey} == 66 ]] ; then
    echo "PrivateKey is valid"
    echo "PrivateKey is invalid"

nevermind i figured the above out. thanks

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