
Reach will enable tens of millions of developers to participate in the blockchain community, rather than only the thousands that participate today, by drastically lowering the barrier to entry into blockchain and drastically raising the productivity of DApp developers. A Decentralized Application that used to take months to develop will be able to be completed in weeks.

Our Links:
Questions & Support: [email protected]

The Reach platform provides three services via a domain-specific language (DSL) for specifying DApps and a specialized compiler that projects the specification into the complete application while performing automatic verification of correctness properties.

We allow the developer to write and think at the level of business logic, rather than at the level of the intricate details of a blockchain protocol. Our DSL uses a subset of JavaScript to specify the entire DApp: the smart contract, the clients run on the front-end, the servers run on the back-end, and all communication between each of the pieces. Since the entire specification is in a single language, we enable any developer to quickly create, reason about and deploy DApps.

We represent the DApp with a generalized backend language, and we then use “connectors” to translate this backend language to the correct bytecode, while remaining faithful to the interfaces offered by actual networks. Our backend supports the ability to specify blockchain-specific functionality, where appropriate.

We ensure that the DApp is free from errors without having to write tests of what the program should do. Instead, developers write down what their program must not do, and we ensure that these bad outcomes never occur. The compiler uses type-checking, A Normal-Form transformation, information-flow security, and end-point projection to derive each component correctly from the single specification. The compiler is integrated with a satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) theorem prover (e.g. Z3) to automatically check the correctness of the application via developer-specific predicates, as well as automatically generated properties appropriate for all DApps.


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Awesome update @Reach :grinning: Looking forward to hearing about the ongoing project updates. I think the community will be very excited.


The new release (reach 0.1.4) is now published!
The Conflux integration is included in this version, the details can be found in the following change log:


Grant Milestone Review Report: REACH

Grant Description
Project: REACH
Forum Link: Reach
Total Grant Amount: $337,250

Milestone Under Review
Milestone Description: Milestone 3/ 4
Milestone Budget: $135,750

  • Deliverable 1: Development: Complete Full Conflux Integration
  • Deliverable 2: Convert Reach Documentation to include Conflux
  • Deliverable 3: Create three pieces of documentation directed at the Conflux Community
  • Complete 1 Live Workshop for the Conflux Community
  • Link: 3

Milestone Review
Reviewers: @Conflux_Cami @thegaram @Geoff

Milestone Review Results

Deliverable 1: Mostly complete

Unable to use custom network id on devnet [being fixed]
Unable to run Dapp on Conflux testnet [fixed]

Notes: Technically, Reach now works on Conflux. But I think the current implementation will not allow for broad adoption, because it has performance and UX issues. I suggest the team keep working on it, trying to store data in state instead of events.

Deliverable 2: Complete

I suggest the following changes:

some backend consensus network, like Ethereum or Algorand.
some backend consensus network, like Ethereum, Algorand, or Conflux.

network-specific tokens, like ETH or ALGO
network-specific tokens, like ETH, ALGO, or CFX.

Moreover, Reach doesn’t only work for Ethereum: it is blockchain agnostic and can be easily configured to use a different connector to target a different consensus network, like Algorand
Moreover, Reach doesn’t only work for Ethereum: it is blockchain agnostic and can be easily configured to use a different connector to target a different consensus network, like Algorand or Conflux.

Please include CFX-live, CFX-browser, CFX-devnet here.

Btw in other parts of the doc you use REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE=ETH or REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE=CFX, which is not defined here.

Deliverable 3: Complete


Grant Description

  • Project: REACH
  • Forum Link: Reach
  • Total Grant Amount: $337,250

Milestone Under Review

  • Milestone Description: Milestone 4/ 4
  • Milestone Budget: $96,000

Phase 4: By 12 months after execution of this letter (this agreement ends 12 months after execution of this letter). Including:

  • Development: Continue to guarantee Conflux compatibility with future features
  • Marketing: Continue to produce content, and push Conflux as a full partner

Milestone Review Results

The Review Committee for Reach’s last milestone has determined that this milestone has been achieved (Pass).

:white_check_mark: Development: Continue to guarantee Conflux compatibility with future features

• Maintained feature compatibility with Conflux for new Reach releases. Some features include: Events, support for Apple Silicon (M1). List of new features:
• Improved performance of Reach on Conflux.
• Various bug fixes (e.g. gas cost estimation bug).
• Keep Conflux node version up-to-date (0.1.7).

:white_check_mark: Marketing: Continue to produce content, and push Conflux as a full partner

• Support and promote Conflux at NFT.NYC
• Conflux Bounty Hack
• Translated docs to Spanish as part of preparing for a Latin America Bounty hack
• Include Conflux in talks and roadmaps

Really? Produce content? About Algorand. But not about Conflux. 335000$ seriously?