Statement of exchanging FC for CFX

The Conflux Foundation is committed to maintaining a 1:1 one-way exchange channel between FC and the mainnet token CFX.
Currently, Conflux Foundation has credited 21 million CFX to the FC replacement contract (FC replacement contract address: cfx:acdrd6ahf4fmdj6rgw4n9k4wdxrzfe6ex6jc7pw50m), once the FC is staked, the corresponding FC will be permanently destroyed (locked in the contract), and the contract management rights will be transferred to address (0). Since the contract has been locked, there will be no fixed interest after Hardfork.
In this regard, to ensure the interests of early FC holders, the Foundation plans to start a subsidy plan within a week of the Hardfork upgrade (February 28th): a separate contract will be developed, and users can sign up for the subsidy plan after withdrawing the principal and the early interest staked, and the contract will automatically pay out the interest to users on FC staking after they actively sign up for the subsidy plan. The Foundation will allocate a portion of CFX from the Ecosystem fund to make the interest payments. (The duration of the subsidy is to be determined)
[Calculation formula for subsidy plan interest: Number of CFX that can generate revenue / Number of FC currently staked * 4%]

Exchanging FC for CFX:
Announcement of exchanging FC for CFX: Announcement of exchanging FC for CFX
Tutorial on exchanging FC for CFX: Tutorial on exchanging FC for CFX