Step up the layout of Web3.0 based on blockchain. [2024-03-27 Source: Liberation Daily]

Step up the layout of Web3.0 based on blockchain. The main network of the Tree Map blockchain system has been running stably for three and a half years. The ecological economic circle has brought together more than 200 companies.
2024-03-27 Source: Liberation Daily


Reporter Li Ye
[Machine Translated]

When the Internet moved from Web1.0 to the Web2.0 era, and advanced from a “read-only” portal to an “interactive” mobile Internet, a large amount of content created by users was separated into different apps. Even though they are the creators of data, it is difficult for users to obtain data rights. Fortunately, in the era of Web 3.0, that is, the value Internet or contract Internet, which is based on blockchain technology, “my data” can finally make the decision on its own.

At the “Value Internet of Web3 Data Resources” forum at the 2024 Global Developer Pioneer Conference held recently, Ge Dongbo, chief engineer of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, revealed that Shanghai is strengthening cutting-edge fields including blockchain and future industrial layout, focusing on key Research on underlying technologies, promote independent technology layout in cutting-edge fields such as special chips, smart contracts, distributed storage, heterogeneous cross-chains, etc., while creating a number of major application scenarios, actively participate in the formulation of relevant domestic and foreign standards in the blockchain field, and explore Web3 forward-looking .0 related innovation pilots.

The reporter learned from the forum that the main network of the Conflux Treemap blockchain system independently developed by Treemap Research Institute has been running stably for three and a half years, with nearly 25 million independent addresses, a total of more than 150 million transactions processed, and a total of nearly 150 million smart contracts deployed. 20,000. Zhang Yuanjie, head of Shanghai Shutu Blockchain Ecosystem, said, “Our ecological economic circle has brought together more than 200 companies, including innovative start-ups such as Soul and Meixia, as well as mature Internet companies such as Xiaohongshu and iQiyi. , has served more than a thousand brands, and cooperated with ecological enterprises to create early classic cases of valuable Internet."

For example, Treemap worked with Microsoft China to tailor the Spring Festival traditional cultural scene NFT (non-fungible token) for the 2024 Kunshan New Year Shopping Festival, and 140,000 copies were issued in 4 days. These NFTs also point to coupons in offline consumption scenarios, promoting local economic development through online and offline interactions.

Another example is that Shutu teamed up with its ecological partner Meixia to design an NFT membership card for Jinjiang Hotels Group. This NFT membership card contains a smart contract. The rights enjoyed by members of different levels can be marked and written off in the smart contract, and the rights can also be transferred to relatives and friends.

For another example, Treemap has ecologically constructed a metaverse space - Fantasy Music Universe, which breaks through the traditional way of listening to songs and watching MVs, and interprets the classic songs in the album with a new model that integrates gaming experience and social interaction. With the “digital key” in the “Fantasy Music Universe”, users can enjoy related rights and interests without any barriers on Kuaishou, iQiyi, Youku and other platforms. Users can also collect musical notes in the space, participate in draws, obtain more digital assets and offline physical goods, and experience multiple categories of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

It is understood that Treemap Research Institute and China Telecom have jointly launched a safe and convenient Web3.0 user terminal entrance solution - BSIM (Blockchain SIM) card.

The card uses hardware security protection technology to reduce the risk of malware attacks, and can also bind digital identity to real identity through the real-name system of mobile phone numbers. “Digital identity and personal data sovereignty are our vision for the next generation of the Internet.” said Li Chenxing, a young scientist at Shanghai Shutu Blockchain Research Institute.

Financial scenarios are also an important development direction of blockchain, such as stablecoins. Currently, the total issuance of U.S. dollar stablecoins worldwide has reached 150 billion U.S. dollars, and the daily turnover rate on the blockchain exceeds 300%. Zhang Yuanjie believes that in the process of RMB internationalization, China may also consider adding Hong Kong dollars and offshore RMB to the development wave of stable currencies. Using the “blockchain + stable currency” solution, remittances are confirmed in seconds, and there is a 7×24-hour network. Compared with the “T+1” or “T+2” international remittance, it takes a few dollars to dozens of dollars. There is no waiting fee, which is a huge advantage. In special circumstances, blockchain can also serve as a strategic preparation.