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The Bulksender is a decentralized application (DApp) designed to provide a robust, secure, and efficient solution for developers seeking to send tokens to multiple addresses in a single transaction. Inspired by the functionalities of, this project aims to enhance the efficiency of token distribution tasks, particularly in situations such as airdrops, bounty payouts, and bulk transfers.

The purpose of this system is to enable seamless bulk sending of tokens on the Conflux blockchain, while ensuring a user-friendly interface and maintainable codebase. The tool is intended to be permissionless, open-source, and scalable, allowing for future expansions and feature additions. The project also emphasizes the importance of verification of contracts on Conflux Scan for transparency and trust.

  • Purpose of the system: To facilitate bulk token transfers on the Conflux blockchain.
  • Scope of the system: A DApp that integrates popular development tools, allowing developers to send tokens to multiple addresses in a single transaction.
  • Objectives and success criteria of the project: The objective is to create a fully functional, reliable, and user-friendly DApp that effectively solves the problem of bulk token transfers. The success of the project would be measured by the tool’s adoption rate, its robustness, and its effectiveness in facilitating bulk transfers.
  • Overview: The Token Bulksender Tool is a decentralized application built on the Conflux blockchain. It enables developers to efficiently send tokens to multiple addresses in a single transaction, thereby saving gas fees and reducing the complexity of operations.


Hai Kukoten is a developer and the founder of Honey DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that has funded a myriad of innovative projects such as RSS3, Decrypt, Thales, and more. Hai’s extensive experience and deep understanding of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications are evidenced by his contributions to these projects. In addition to funding these initiatives, Hai has been actively involved in their development, providing technical guidance and support to ensure their success.

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The total budget for the development and implementation of the Token Bulksender Tool project is set at $3500, which falls under the Tier-2 Technical Grant category. This budget has been calculated taking into consideration various aspects of the project development such as smart contract development, front-end development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The updated budget allocation is as follows:

  1. Smart Contract Development: $1500 This budget line covers the development of smart contracts that will be used to facilitate the bulk sending of tokens. This includes the writing, testing, and optimization of the contract code.

  2. Front-End Development: $1000 This budget line includes the design and development of the user interface for the DApp. This ensures a user-friendly experience that is critical for the success of the application.

  3. Testing & Deployment: $800 This budget line is allocated for rigorous testing of both the smart contracts and the front-end application. This is a crucial step to ensure the functionality and reliability of the DApp. The deployment budget covers the costs associated with deploying the smart contracts to the Conflux network and launching the front-end application.

  4. Maintenance and Support: $200 This budget line is set aside for ongoing maintenance and support. This includes addressing any bugs or issues that arise after launch and making necessary updates or improvements to the system.


At present, developers who wish to send tokens to multiple addresses have to execute each transaction individually, which can be time-consuming, inefficient, and costly in terms of gas fees. The existing system lacks a straightforward method for performing bulk transfers on the Conflux blockchain.

  • Customer problems/issues: Inefficiency and high gas fees associated with sending tokens to multiple addresses individually.
  • Application problems/issues: Lack of a convenient and efficient tool for performing bulk transfers on the Conflux blockchain.
  • Processes problems/issues: The current process of performing bulk transfers is tedious and can potentially result in errors due to manual input.


The MultiSender contract is the core of the Token Bulksender Tool. It allows for the bulk sending of CRC20 tokens and CFX to multiple addresses. The contract has been implemented using Solidity 0.8.9, with the contract being upgradeable and including key safety features such as a ReentrancyGuard.

  • Functional requirements:

    • The DApp shall allow users to send CRC20 tokens with variable amount to multiple addresses in one transaction.
    • The DApp shall allow users to send a fixed amount of CRC20 tokens to multiple addresses in one transaction.
    • The DApp shall allow users to send CFX to multiple addresses in one transaction.
    • The DApp shall allow users to send a fixed amount of CFX to multiple addresses in one transaction.
  • Nonfunctional requirements:

    • Usability: The DApp shall be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing developers to easily input the addresses and the amounts to be transferred.
    • Reliability: The DApp shall perform reliably under various network conditions and loads, ensuring all transfers are executed correctly. It will be deployed to Vercel and frontend can be deployed by anyone after smart contract is verified.
    • Performance: The DApp shall be optimized for performance, ensuring quick transaction execution and minimal gas fees.
    • Supportability: The DApp shall be maintainable and scalable, allowing for the addition of new features in the future. More features can be added to the frontend by simply forking the project and creating a menu for addditional features.
    • Implementation: The DApp shall be implemented using Solidity for the smart contracts, and JavaScript/React for the frontend.
    • Interface: The DApp shall provide a simple and intuitive interface for users to input the addresses and amounts for bulk transfers.
    • Packaging: The DApp shall be deployable on the Conflux eSpace, and the smart contracts shall be verified on Conflux Scan.
    • Legal / Licensing: The DApp shall be open-source, with the code available on GitHub under the MIT license.


The Token Bulksender Tool is based on a simple, yet effective system model that leverages the capabilities of the Conflux blockchain and the solidity smart contracts.

  • Scenarios: Developers wishing to send tokens to multiple recipients can use the Token Bulksender Tool to accomplish this in a single transaction.
  • Use case model / Features model / User Histories Model: A typical use case involves a developer who needs to distribute tokens to multiple recipients. They would access the DApp, input the addresses and amounts, and execute the transaction.
  • Analysis object model: The main objects involved are the user (developer), the CRC20 tokens, and the recipient addresses.
  • Dynamic model: The system dynamically interacts with the Conflux blockchain to execute the transactions and update the token balances of the recipient addresses.
  • User interface, navigational paths and screen mock-ups: The user interface will be clean and intuitive, guiding the user through the process of inputting the addresses and amounts, and executing the transaction.


The development of the Token Bulksender Tool will be broken down into several milestones to ensure effective management and delivery of the project.

  • Milestone 1: Design and development of the smart contracts (1 week, Requested funding: 25% of total budget)
  • Milestone 2: Design and development of the frontend (1 week, Requested funding: 25% of total budget)
  • Milestone 3: Testing and debugging (1 week, Requested funding: 25% of total budget)
  • Milestone 4: Deployment and documentation (1 week, Requested funding: 25% of total budget)

Extra time maybe required due to unforeseen circumstances and the team will be updated accordingly.


Post-deployment, the project will be maintained by the developer or the community since this kind of contracts rarely requires any updates. As the DApp is open-source, external contributors will also be encouraged to report issues and contribute to the codebase, further enhancing its maintainability.


Hello @hai thanks for applying for this grant. Just a couple of questions from my end:

  1. Will the tool be supported in Conflux eSpace? or Conflux Core? or Both?
  2. Will there be any fees/costs for users when using the tool?
  3. Will you fork any existing open source smart contract? Or are you going to build it from scratch?

Looking forward to your answer,


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Thank you for reaching out and for considering my application. I appreciate your questions and would be happy to provide some clarification:

  1. As per our initial plan and grant, the tool will be developed for Conflux eSpace. However, we intend to conduct thorough testing and, based on the results, we may extend its support to Conflux Core as well.
  2. We aim to keep our tool accessible and affordable for users. The only associated cost will be the standard gas fees that apply on the network.
  3. Our development strategy includes both forking existing open-source smart contracts and building new components from scratch. This approach allows us to leverage established contract rules common to most multisenders while also tailoring the tool to suit specific user needs. The same methodology applies to our frontend development. We will incorporate features from forks as and when required.

I hope this provides the information you were seeking. If you have further questions or need additional clarification, please feel free to ask. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to continuing our discussions.

Best Regards,
