Conflux token Factory – TIER 2
After the recent hard fork that made Conflux EVM compatible and the launch of Swappi on the 1st DEX on conflux eSpace, this provides an entry point for defi on Conflux.
It is important for the development of Conflux to attract liquidity (and projects) to eSpace. And I think that this requires the creation of new tokens. All the biggest layer-1 have a market where it is possible to trade a lot of tokens (ETH, BSC, AVAX, SOL, …).
Today, for example, to create a token you need to have some knowledge of Solidity and how to deploy contracts. In other words, you need to have a basic understanding of development.
The goal of this project is to allow a user to create and manage his tokens/contracts without any technical knowledge through an intuitive dashboard.
This will allow a large number of users to create projects on Conflux.
I didn’t think about whether the token generation would be free or paid (a small amount from CFX). It will be provided in the factory code to be able to manage the price. This could be used to cover the maintenance costs of the application.
Scope of the system: The application will be public, accessible to all, decentralized and deployed on a CDN (for the FE) and on the Conflux Blockchain (for the smart contracts). Users will be able to create their own ERC20 custom tokens (mintable, burnable, pausable, …) and manage them through a dashboard.
Users can create and deploy customizable ERC20 tokens in one click
Custom name, symbol, decimal, supply, initial supply
Custom types (Simple, burnable, mintable, pausable, permit, votes, flash minting, snapshots, …).
This list isn’t exhaustives and types could be added. -
Access control (Ownable, Roles)
Users can manage their deployed contracts through a dashboard
Mint/burn tokens
Transfer tokens
Transfer ownership
Call each others fonctions of a ERC20 contract they choosen (pause, change role, …)
Users can have access to all informations about their contract.
- Total supply, holders, transfers count …
Application description
User will be able to connect with MetaMask or Fluent wallet
The project will be a static site with no backend, and it will be open-sourced.
Smart contracts of the factory will be deployed on the Conflux EVM space.
The application will have a header with a button to connect Fluent or MetaMask wallet. A lateral menu and 2 entries. The first one leads to a form to create tokens and the second to the contract management dashboard.
UI/UX will be pleasant and intuitive
Application will be responsible and usable on a smartphone
Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations : Conflux token Factory
I would be alone on this project, I have been a JS developer for over 8 years:
I have participated in the development of many large-scale projects as well as several open source projects. I have the experience to lead a project alone from development to production.
I’m also the creator of and
Link to my github :
Supportability : Supported by all browser
Packaging : Source code + documentation = Github (open source)
Legal / Licensing : MIT
Initialization of the project (Github, CI, Documentation) : 1 day (8 hours)
Development, tests and deployment of the smart contracts for the factory (solidity) on testnet and mainet: 5 days (40 hours)
Development of the FE (Fluent/Metamask integration, SDK intégration, contracts calls, UI/UX): 7 days (56 hours)
Release of the project (hosting, domain configuration, ect …) : (1/2 day) 4h
Total budget and funds tier
The approximative budget is 100$ x 108h (13.5 full days) = 10.800$ (TIER 2)
Specification of the software
ReactJS (last version)
Tailwind CSS (last version)
Typescript (last version)
useWallet Fluent Hook ( 2)
Solidity (>=0.8.9)
Maintenance consideration
I can maintain the project and if necessary manage to token creation price to cover the cost of the maintenance.
Future improvements
This will be a first version of the application. Once deployed and released, new features will be added (NFT mint (ERC1155 and ERC721)), registration of each user’s contracts to facilitate search/management, … This will be the subject of a new grant or an update to the current one.