Conflux GPU Mining Testing (V0.6.3)

1 Testing Instruction

Network Conflux Oceanus
Version v0.6.3
Graphics Card Type NVIDIA GPU
Graphics Memory 8GB or more
Install NVIDIA driver Download

1.1 Testing Instruction for Windows


  1. It is recommended to turn off antivirus softwares.
  2. Win 10, version 1903 and above.

1.2 Run Files

  • cfxmine: mining program: Download
  • conflux_win10_x64_v0.6.3: fullnode program: Download
    (Differences from previous versions: the default.toml released with the mainnet will be renamed as oceanus.toml; the default.toml released with the testnet will be renamed as testnet.toml.)

1.3 Prepare to Run Conflux

  • Create a directory: conflux
  • Extract the download package to the directory respectively

:warning: The directory structure is:

└── run
    └── conflux.exe
    └── oceanus.toml
└── cfxmine.exe

1.4 Configuration Instructions

Open the run/oceanus.toml file with a text editor and configure mining related parameters:

mining_author="Personal wallet address (without 0x prefix)"

1.5 Run the GPU Mining Program

The Conflux GPU mining program cfxmine needs to run with the Conflux node program. Follow the steps below to start:

  • Open the directory of the run executable file in cmd and start the fullnode:
cd conflux\run
conflux --config oceanus.toml --full 2>stderr.txt

Then you can start mining.

  • Open the directory of the cfxmine executable file in cmd and start the Conflux GPU mining program:
cd conflux
cfxmine --gpu

Note: The GPU command line is executed after the fullnode synchronization is completed.

2 Testing Instructions for Linux

2.1 Run Files

  • cfxmine: mining program: Download
  • conflux_linux_v0.6.3 : fullnode program: Download

:warning: The directory structure is:

└── run
    └── conflux
    └── oceanus.toml
└── cfxmine

2.2 Configuration Instructions

Open the run/oceanus.toml file with a text editor and configure mining related parameters:

mining_author="Personal wallet address (without 0x prefix)"

2.3 Run the GPU Mining Program

The Conflux GPU mining program cfxmine needs to run with the Conflux node program. Follow the steps below to start:

In bash (or any POSIX compliant Shell), start the fullnode:

cd conflux/run
./conflux --config oceanus.toml --full 2>stderr.txt

Then you can start mining.

Open the directory of the cfxmine executable file in bash (or any POSIX compliant Shell), and start the Conflux GPU miningprogram:

cd conflux
./cfxmine --gpu

Note: The GPU command line is executed after the fullnode synchronization is completed.

3 Tips:

If the Conflux node program and cfxmine are not on the same computer, you can specify the IP address and the port (the default is 32525) of the remote Conflux node program when starting cfxmine.

./cfxmine --gpu --addr A.B.C.D


./cfxmine --gpu --addr A.B.C.D --port xxxx

If you want to designate remote node, you need to change the configuration of the node into:
stratum_listen_address=“”, and delete #

Note: The GPU command line is executed after the fullnode synchronization is completed.

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为何只支持NVIDIA GPU呢?AMD GPU为何不支持?

Using GPU.
CUDA error RUNTIME: ‘35’ in func ‘OctopusCUDAMiner’ line 94
Aborted (core dumped)

windows下同样的问题 不知道什么原因



Dowload lastest version 456.38 from Nvidia website. It worked for me.

Hello Chris,

I can’t execute the code in windows
cd conflux/run
./conflux --config oceanus.toml --full 2>stderr.txt

can you help?


./conflux.exe --config oceanus.toml ?

1 Like

Thank you! Appreciate :slightly_smiling_face:

You are welcome, just replace conflux to ./conflux.exe

It worked thanks! Really appreciate it. However, the software is using just 1 GPU out of 4 GPU from my rig. Is there any config i need to make to use all the hash from 4 gpus?

cfxmine --gpu -d 0,1,2,3

Thank you! Appreciate :slightly_smiling_face:

I need the latest version link and step by step guide…a hold my hand process.