(Old) Conflux Fullnode Mining Testing (V1.0.0-alpha-5)

1 Test instruction

Net Conflux Testnet
Version v1.0.0-alpha-5

2 Test Instruction on Windows platform

Basic test instruction

  1. We recommend you close the anti-virus related software
  2. The version of Windows 10 must be 1903 and above

2.1 Binary file

(The release version of the testnet will rename the default.toml to testnet.toml

2.2 Preparation of running conflux

  • Create a directory: conflux
  • Extract the downloaded package file to the directory

:warning: Directory structure

└── run
    └── conflux.exe
    └── default.toml
└── cfxmine.exe

2.3 Configuration instruction

Use text editor open the file run/default.toml and config mining related parameter:

mining_author="Personal wallet address(without 0x prefix)"

2.4 run the fullnode mining program

The Conflux fullnode mining program need the Node program of Conflux be running, please follow the step below to get start:

  • start the fullnode by using the cmd change directory into the run directory:
cd conflux\run
conflux --config testnet.toml --full 2>stderr.txt

The mining will get started.

3 Test Instruction on Linux platform

3.1 File

(The release version of the testnet will rename the default.toml to testnet.toml)

3.2 Preparation of running conflux

  • Create a directory: conflux
  • Extract the downloaded package file to the directory

:warning: Directory structure

└── run
    └── conflux
    └── default.toml
└── cfxmine

3.3 Configuration instruction

Use text editor open the file run/default.toml and config mining related parameter:

mining_author="Personal wallet address(without 0x prefix)"

3.4 running the fullnode mining program

Conflux CPU mining program need the running of the Conflux node program, please follow the step to get start:

  • start the fullnode in bash(or POSIX compacted Shell):
cd conflux/run
./conflux --config testnet.toml --full 2>stderr.txt