BigInt of nodejs is not recognized in the Conflux sdk, what should I write here? sdk不认nodejs的bigint,这里应该怎么写?

BigInt of nodejs is not recognized in the Conflux sdk, how should I write here?

This is an internal contract. I uploaded a string, the error was still there. The depositNumber is 10^19.

I defined the const string, the same error… My sdk is v1.1.2. Yesterday I tried java, it was OK, but now it is not available with nodejs. Is it possible that it is a bug of the sdk?
The code is:

await contract.deposit(10000000000000000000n).sendTransaction({from: account, }).confirmed();

The error notification is:

Error: {“msg”:“Cannot convert undefined to a BigInt”,“path”:".gasLimit",“origin”:{“gasUsed”:“0x7c28”,“storageCollateralized”:“0x0”}}



我直接传了const string,也报同样的错误,用的是1.1.2的sdk,昨天用java是可以的,今天用nodejs怎么都不行,有没有可能是sdk的bug?

await contract.deposit(10000000000000000000n).sendTransaction({ from: account, }).confirmed();


Error: {“msg”:“Cannot convert undefined to a BigInt”,“path”:".gasLimit",“origin”:{“gasUsed”:“0x7c28”,“storageCollateralized”:“0x0”}}

It is not a problem of the js-sdk or the parameter type of BigInt. It is because the rpc you are using is not the latest. Please use the RPC in the latest tutorial. The latest RPC urls for testnet and mainnet are: and The right program statement is “const staking = conflux.InternalContract(‘Staking’)”.

这个问题并不是bigint参数类型问题,也不是js-sdk版本问题,而是:1、教程节点地址过期,应该使用’’和’’;2、应该这么用“const staking = conflux.InternalContract(‘Staking’);(内置合约教程缺一句)。