ConfluxPortal will be upgraded to v0.5.11

ConfluxPortal will be upgraded to v0.5.11, and in the latest version, addresses will be displayed in base32 format only (starting with a networkid, e.g., cfx:).

If your Portal is downloaded from Github, please go to Github to manually download the latest version. If it is installed from Google Chrome, the extension will be upgraded automatically.

The new address format is only a conversion of the old format. Users can still log into their Conflux wallet through the private keys or secret phrases. User assets will not be affected.

ConfluxPortal security improvement:

Auto-Lock Timer has been implemented in the latest version of ConfluxPortal. The Auto-Lock Timer is set to 5 minutes by default, automatically locking ConfluxPortal after 5 idle minutes. You need to input your password to unlock ConfluxPortal for further Web3 operations.

If you want to deactivate the Auto-Lock Timer, please go to “Settings – Advanced” and set the Auto-Lock Timer to 0.