Recommended CIP-37 (Conflux-rust v1.1.1)

The upgrade at this time is an upgrade of the compatible version without any change on the consensus layer of the public chain. The new address format is only a conversion of the old format. Users can still login Conflux wallet via private keys or secret phrases. User assets will not be affected. For details please see: CIP-37 Upgrade Announcement (Conflux-rust v1.1.1):

The Conflux Foundation suggests that in the future, Conflux ecosystem projects will obsolete hex40 addresses (starting with 0x) gradually and upgrade to base32check addresses (starting with network ID, eg. cfx:). On ConfluxScan, there will be a conversion tool between old addresses and new addresses. It is suggested that all Conflux partners complete this upgrade.

This upgrade has deep influence on applications in Conflux ecosystem. The Conflux Foundation will negociate with partners including wallets, exchanges and mining pools to upgrade in one period according to the release of ConfluxPortal 0.6.x.

ConfluxPortal is planned to be upgraded to v0.6.x in the extension store of Chrome and Firefox between 11am to 1 pm (GMT+8) on March 9th, 2021. After the upgrade, api will only return base32 addresses, but signature will support both hex40 and base32 addresses.

ConfluxPortal base32 address format migration introduction:
This article includes: download links of ConfluxPortal v0.6.0, introduction of the influence on Dapp of v0.6.x and the migration docs.

Conflux RPC addresses:
(For develop test only, applicability is not promised.)

What do I need to do as a node operater/miner?


Above v1.1.1
In run/tethys.toml file

mining_author="individual wallet address"

Both the old and new address formats are supported


At present, the mining_author in Conflux-rustv1.1.1 requires quotation marks to identify new addresses, such as


The Conflux-rust v1.1.2 that will be released later will allow you to directly enter the address, such as


Change in directories:

In versions above v1.1.1, all data are put in the directory configured with conflux_data_dir. The default pathway is ./blockchain_data.

The default directory below v1.1.0:

├── blockchain_db
├── net_config
├── storage_db
├── conflux
├── log
├── log.yaml
├── start.bat
├── stderr.txt
├── tethys.toml

The default directory above v1.1.1:

├── blockchain_data
│   ├── blockchain_db
│   ├── net_config
│   └── storage_db
├── conflux
├── log
├── log.yaml
├── start.bat
├── stderr.txt
├── tethys.toml

Applicable method 1 (recommended):

Create directory blockchain_data and move blockchain_db, net_config, storage_db into blockchain_data without changing tethys.toml.

Applicable method 2:

Configure tethys.toml file without moving directories

conflux_data_dir = "."
netconf_dir = "./net_config"
block_db_dir = "./blockchain_db"

What do I need to do as a wallet/mining pool/cetralized exchange which does not support Dapp?

It is recommended to ugrage to the latest RPC and SDK, and notice users in advance.
The old RPC and SDK only support transferring between old addresses. It is necessary to change the new address format into the old version when transferring to a new addresss.
The new RPC and SDK only support transferring between new addresses. It is necessary to change the old address format into the new version when transferring to an old addresss.

Conversion method between the two address formats are provided in SDKs. If you want to adapt the old version after the upgrade, you need to check and convert in the frontend. For example, in the wallet, old addresses are available in the user interface but not available when interacting with RPC.

What do I need to do as a Dapp or a wallet supporting Dapps?

It is recommended to ugrage all Dapps at around 1 pm (GMT+8) on March 9, 2021, and notice users in advance.

For Dapps or a wallets supporting Dapps, only the latest RPC and SDK are provided after the upgrade of ConfluxPortal. Addresses will be returned in base32 format.

Dapp upgrade methods:
Not supporting old Portal (recomended): when the wallet finding the returned address is old, notice users to upgrade.
Supporting old Portal: when the wallet finding the returned address is old, use the old address when interacting with Portal SDK instance. If users input base32 addresses, the addresses need to be converted to hex addresses.