Tutorial on Using Conflux Governance


  • Once a lock has been applied, subsequent locking can only be done [by increasing the number of tickets] or [by extending the time].
  • You cannot reduce the last commit time or the number of cfx, so you can only increase the number of votes by locking them for a longer period.
    (If I have locked for 1 year, I cannot change /reduce the lock period)
  • After locking, there are only two independent actions that can be taken afterwards.
    1. increase the number of tickets only, without extending the time
    2. add time without adding votes


Therefore, if you want to participate in multiple rounds of voting for a project, it is recommended that you use separate wallet addresses for different projects or multiple votes for a single project.


Usage process



  • Click on the Governance icon in the left hand project bar to go to the Governance Dashboard


  • Click on Connect Wallet in the top right hand corner to link to the wallet


  • Enter the number of CFX to be pledged and click Stake to complete the pledge


  • Click Lock for lock operation
  • Enter the number of locked cfx to exchange for voting rights
  • Voting rights will be granted according to: number of quarters x number of tokens x 0.25


  • Selecting a lock-in period
  • CFX lock-up periods are available for one quarter, six months and one year. The shortest period is one quarter (91 days) and the longest period is one year
  • Number of quarters x number of tokens x 0.25 = voting rights


  • Click Lock to finish locking and get voting rights after successful locking


  • Click on extend locking period to increase voting rights by extending the locking period
  • Click on add locking amount to increase the number of cfx pledges and increase voting rights