Upgrade Notice: Adaption of Fluent Wallet for Ecosystem Projects

It is expected that after March 31, 2022, Fluent Wallet will no longer be compatible with Portal Provider and DApps will not be able to invoke Fluent by invoking Portal. It is strongly recommended that DApps complete the upgrade before then, otherwise they will not be able to continue using Fluent Wallet. (The current version is v1.5.0, Portal will no longer be compatible starting from v1.6.0).

About Fluent Wallet

Fluent Wallet has been released on the Chrome Store, Edge Store and Firefox Store. Both Edge and Chrome support the hardware wallet Ledger.
Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/fluent/ldddehjcggepmlipdbempbnjehjehchh?hl=en-US&gl=CA
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fluent/eokbbaidfgdndnljmffldfgjklpjkdoi?hl=en-US
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fluentwallet/
Fluent Wallet Official Website: https://www.fluentwallet.com/
Conflux Testnet Faucet to receive Test CFX: http://faucet.confluxnetwork.org/

More features including multi-chain support will be launched in the future. Please stay tuned!

Using Fluent on DApps

Migration from ConfluxPortal to Fluent Wallet: https://fluent-wallet.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/articles/4410789041307-Migration-from-Conflux-Portal
Fluent Provider API: https://fluent-wallet.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/articles/4410848191899-Provider-API
Fluent Wallet already supports switching accounts and it is recommended that DApps be updated to support this feature. Via: accountsChanged
Fluent 1.0 Some changes that are not compatible with ConfluxPortal: https://fluent-wallet.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/articles/4411936847387-Breaking-changes-between-Fluent-1-0-and-ConfluxPortal

About ConfluxPortal

ConfluxPortal will no longer release new versions. Priority will be given to Fluent Wallet for feedback and solutions to any unexpected situations that users may encounter during the use of the wallet. It is recommended that users switch to Fluent Wallet to ensure timely feedback of any problems.


For problems encountered during the use of Fluent Wallet, post your feedback here: https://fluent-wallet.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/requests/new

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