Voting results for New Address Abbreviation Standard

Due to the upgrade of CIP-37, there is a certain dispute in the community on how to display Conflux’s new address on the front end. We have posted a vote on abbreviations for the new Conflux address standard (Conflux’ New Address Standard Abbreviation Scheme [VOTE]). Conflux official products will display the Conflux address according to the voting results and recommend Conflux community products adopt the same display method.

The results of this voting are as follows:

According to the voting results, Conflux official products will display the Conflux address according to the Option II display method and recommend Conflux community products adopt the Option II display method.

Option II display method:

  • The official website address display format: cfx: first 3 digits +…+ last <= 8 digits; for example: cfx: aat…e32h4yz6
  • Testnet address display format: cfxtest: first 3 digits +…+ last <= 8 digits; such as: cfxtest: aat…swn168v0