Draft mode
Shorthand Terms:
QA (Quantitative Analysis)
CFX (Conflux)
DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
WM (Organization LLC)
EOM (End of Month)
CAO (Current As Of)
Current status (CAO 7/9/2021) –
QA bot in testing mode running – Doing manual trades on suggestion of QA bot.
Pre-Made Portfolios – Testing on separate wallets
(Grant Status: N/A)
Funding Tier: Please specify the funding tier and total grant amount of your proposal.
(Current) Funding Tier 1 > Future Tier 2
(As I built-out the project fully for review by Conflux Technical Team when moving to Tier 2).
Project Overview: Please include the following:
Project title and description of the project.
How will this project be integrated into Conflux?
Why is your team interested in creating this project?
WM Portfolio (WMP) – A community funded and driven automated portfolio management system aimed at different levels of investor classes.
This project will utilize CFX’s sponsored gas fee’s and near-instant confirmation of transactions to facilitate trades of assets based on a portfolio classes that is either not-managed or managed by a QA trading bot with user defined constraints if elected.
I want to create a community funded and controlled crowdfunded portfolio that will have the communities best interest by backing certain asset classes by investors (2 Wealth Management INC’s so far) and looking for Angel Investors or just community support, while using different staking methods to generate returns back to the users of the platform.
Project Details:
High-level technical approach, product flow & architecture (along with a diagram).
Any mockup designs of user facing components.
Overview of the technology stack being used, including API specifications, and documentation of core components.
Ecosystem fit: How can the project benefit CFX Network’s ecosystem?
Project details:
If its hard to see above image- Just right click (Open as a new tab)
Mockup Designs. (To be posted by EOM July 2021 )
Technology Stack: React – Python – CFX – proprietary software.
Ecosystem Fit: This project is focused on building safe returns for investors by mitigating risk price wise by using a quantitative analysis trading bot assist to facilitate transactions based on pre-defined parameters and some user-defined constraints in order to grow users portfolio.
DAO and additional tokenomics:
Additionally, tokens will be minted that will be used for a DAO to change different portfolios breakout or remove under-preforming portfolios. Total allocated native WM token will be minted based on time of assets held and not removed, which will influence the total generated APY% sent back to the community. The longer you hold your assets in that portfolios the greater return APY% will be sent to your pooled tokens vs the community reserve pool.
Modules planned:
-Pre-Made Portfolios (Created)
-QA Managed-Portfolios (Created)
-Rainy Day Module (Developing)
-Stop loss- Module (Developing)
-Dao Governance (planned need fine-tune token distribution and weight)
-Community Pool (Fine tune math)
-More as testing gets completed
Team: Please include the following:
Name of team members, and their roles and responsibilities.
Team members/emails/social media handles/Github.
Provide the name and registered address of the legal entity that will be delivering the project.
Team’s relevant experience.
Team’s Github code repositories.
Team Confirmed with NDA signed : (Growing – recruiting starting in Aug~):
William B. (Tristception) : Founder and main developer of WMP Quantitative Analysis Trading Bot (proprietary). Owner of WM___, LLC.
Williams Socials:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wboykin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WM_Investments
Williams Experience:
-CEO/Owner (5-years) Software Development Company
-GIS Developer of 11 Years (Current)
-Random Coding over 17 Years (small projects) – HTML/C+/C#/Java/Python
-Military Intelligence Analyst
-MSQL/Oracle ~ 4 Years
-IT Requirements Manager
-Crypto Investing since 2018
-Mining since 2020
Williams Github:
Legal Entity : WM___, LLC (Pending state-registry approval) Details will follow as confirmed and updated.
Development Roadmap: This section will appear in the grants contract, and will be used to verify that milestones have been reached in order to release grant payments. Please include the following:
Breakdown of the development roadmap into a number of milestones, with each milestone including:
(A) Roadmap.Jpeg
//NA// - (Q)
Specification of the software or deliverable (will be used to confirm milestones have been reached).
Requested funding, milestone duration, and number of full time employees on each milestone.
Number of days, and cost per day.
Total estimated duration and cost of the whole project.
//NA// - (A)
Any grant funds are just for servers/databases and testing environments. And dev time dedicated. I will be running through the costs and updating this area.
Long Term Vision : To have a community funded portfolio system that projects investors through QA and community engagement.
Community Engagement: Will be through a combination of Discord / Medium / Twitter posts.
Delivery Requirements:
Public Github - https://github.com/WM-Port
Private Testing Github – To be released to CFX personnel only until closer to launch date.
Tutorial Hosting - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2KcbRIlCXS5DfKuOPgY2Q (WM Community Youtube Channel)
Other: As I develop the project solely on my own (Developers will be hired as needed) I will be considering feedback in the comments on the grant from the CFX community members if attainable within scope-of-work and deadlines. Some modules and information may be vague on the grant application to keep it competitive with other similar projects.
This project is for the CFX community and is not focused on profits. As I’m developing this mostly by myself on my own time.
WMP Project Links and Locations:
Discord: https://discord.gg/P4qVkNC69G
Website: (Launch-page being built EOM August)
Twitter: Temporary (https://twitter.com/WM_Investments)
Telegram: Temporary (https://t.me/tristceptionWM)
This is a living document and edits and updates will be tracked in the versioning table below:
Version Notes/Edit details:
Draft V1.0 – (Initial creation) 7-9-2021
Draft V1.1 (N/A)
Draft Mode