Conflux PoS Testnet 10th Round Public Test Tutorial

Conflux PoS Testnet 10th Round Public Test Tutorial
Start Time: Dec.3 17:00(GMT+8)
Version: v2.0.0-rc-1-net8888

If you are attending the 9th round test:

This round of test is an upgrade for the 9th round.

Please finish the upgrade after Dec.3 17:00(GMT+8):

  • Delete Blockchain_data and pos_db folder, and replace conflux.exe and conflux.pdb with new ones, and restart the fullnode;

New version download link:

If you are NOT attending the 9th round test:

Welcome! Using the Conflux Governance Beta to stake CFX to participate in PoS mining requires a total of 3 steps:

  1. Install ConfluxPortal
    Reference: ConfluxPortal v0.6.10 Upgrade Tutorial
  2. Start Fullnode
    Reference: Start Fullnode Tutorial
  3. PoS Registration:
    Reference: PoS Registration Tutorial


  1. How to use PoS Dashboard to check whether you are participating in PoS Mining successfully: How to use PoS Dashboard to check whether you are participating in PoS Mining successfully

  2. Conflux PoS Testnet 10th Round Public Test Specification (v2.0.0-rc-1-net8888): Conflux PoS Testnet 10th Round Public Test Specification (v2.0.0-rc-1-net8888)

  3. Using the compatible version may not be able to complete the PoS registration test, but hopefully, you can participate in this test. You only need to keep the fullnode running. According to the returned data, a maximum of 5CFX test incentives will be given per day.

  4. A high TPS test will be added to this test, and it is not recommended for configurations below 8G to participate in the test. Recommended mining configuration for PoS mining (the higher the better): CPU i5, memory 16G, SSD 200G, bandwidth 20Mbps.

  5. During the test, keep your pos_key and password for starting full node safe.


Q1: If I accidentally delete the pos_key file under pos_config folder, what should I do?

A1: You shold not delele the file pos_key. If you deleted it, you need to reconnect and withdraw the staking. You need to wait for 9 hours for the CFX to be unlocked and then re-register. We suggest you to skip the wait and using a new Chrome account to test.

Q2: The program has stuck for more than 20 minutes, what should I do?

A2:Restart your program.

Q3: What should I do if the transaction failed when approving the locking CFX transaction while succeeded when approving staking CFX transaction

A3: Go to Conflux portal->account profile->settings->advanced, look for the “custom nonce” and turn it on. When you turn on the “custom nounce”, each time when you need to approve for a transaction, a textbox will pop-up and ask you to enter a nounce. Enter nounce each time when you are asked.

Q4: Where can I report bugs during testing?

A4: upload stderr.txt, pos.log and log folder to a Google Drive folder, and share the link with Cike in Discord.

Q5: What should I be cautious about when I restart the node?

A5: Enter the same password you set in the first time and you should be fine:

PoS key detected, please input your encryption password.