Application Title

Please concisely title your application using the following format:

Integration Grants Application '24: Project Name

Application Introduction

Provide a brief overview of your project. A fantastic grant application has a significantly better chance of being accepted by including all of the following:

  1. Name of the project
  2. Problem statement in the existing Conflux ecosystem (customer, application, process, etc) and the proposed solution
  3. Alignment of the project with the Conflux Network
    1. Benefit to the Conflux Ecosystem: How this product will entice more developers to build on Conflux
    2. Economic benefit: How this product will increase assets and transactions on-chain
  4. Demonstrate a competitive edge that differentiates it from other projects
  5. Links to the projects webpage, DApp, socials and chat groups
  6. Conflux eSpace grant recipient wallet address
  7. Are you an incorporated startup?

Technical Introduction

Provide a brief overview of the functional goals of your system, pairing it with reasons for its development.

  1. Refer back to problem statement
  2. Identify existing solutions (if any), and include a feasibility study
  3. Purpose of the system
  4. Scope of the system
  5. Objectives and success criteria of the project
  6. Identify definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
  7. Include any references

Technical Proposal

Write a comprehensive whitepaper outlining the requirements and the analysis model of the new system in your proposal. In your docs, include:

  1. Functional overview of your system
    1. Identify all of the core aspects of your system and elements to uphold its functionality
    2. Legal/licensing aspects (if any)
  2. Non-funcitonal overview, outlining user-expected factors which are not directly related to functionality
    1. Usability
    2. Reliability
    3. Performance
    4. Implementation
    5. User interface

Total Budget

In this section, justify the budget needed for the project.

  1. Grant Size: What is the total grant amount begin requested?
  2. Justification: Break down the activities and costs associated with requested grant amount

Development Roadmap

Outline the general timeline and set milestones for deployment of your system using the Conflux grant. Set deliverables in advance to confirm achievement of a milestone so that the community can track your progress. Include:

  • Timeline and milestones
  • Requested funding per milestone
  • Specification of software/deliverable


Describe the team of the project, their skills and roles. Please include the following information for all team members:

  1. Name
  2. Roles and responsibilities
  3. Relevant experience
  4. Github repos
  5. Team member social media handles

Terms of Use

Confirm that you agree to the terms of use for applying to a Conflux Ecosystem Grant by including the entirety of the following statement and conditions:

I agree to all of the following terms of use in applying to a Conflux Ecosystem Grant

  1. I have read and understood the Conflux Grants Ecosystem Overview
  2. I have read about and understood that the Conflux Technical Grants are subject to a No-Sale rule
  3. I agree to provide KYC information to the Conflux Foundation for the sake of overall ecosystem security
  4. I understand that I will be required to follow public grant reporting requirements
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