Start Fullnode Tutorial(Conflux PoS Testnet 5th Round Public Test)

Start Fullnode Tutorial

v1.2.0-beta-7 (only Windows version for now,Linux and Mac will release later after the network is stable)

1. Network setting

Set a new blockchain network

Blockchain Name: PoS testnet1


2. Set configuration of the fullnode program

Running test notes on Windows:

  • We recommend you to close your anti-virus software(including Windows Defender)
  • Your Windows 10’s version must be 1903 or higher

You need to download the following files:

Fullnode GitHub download link:

Preparation of running full node program:

  • Create a directory named conflux
  • Extract the download package to the directory

:warning: The directory structure should look like this:

└── run
    └── conflux.exe
    └── conflux.pdb
    └── pos_testnet.toml
    └── log.yaml
    └── clear_state.bat
    └── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
    └── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
    └── start.bat
    └── throttling.toml

Configuration set-up instructions

You need follow these two steps to edit pos_testnet.toml file in order to set up the configuration.

# mining_author="net8888:xxxxxxxxxx..."

Please edit “net8888:xxxx…” and set it to your own wallet address. (starts with net8888:)

Delete “#” and the space before “mining_author…”

should look like this after edition:

# mining_type = "stratum"

Replace “stratum” with “cpu”, and delete “#” and the space before “mining_type…”.

should look like this after edition:

3. Turn on the test mode

Open the log.yaml file and find the commands shown in the following figures, replace all the “info” with “debug”, then save the file.

The command should look like this after edition:

4. Run the full node programme

Open the run folder. Right-click your mouse to copy the directory path as the following picture shown.

Press win and R on the keyboard. Open the command window by entering “cmd”.

Enter cd + space + the directory path you copied before.

Start full node by entering the command start.bat.

Attention: here you need to enter the password and confirm it: