t²_ A world of narrative curated by TIME

Project Title
t² (Time²)

Project Description
t² (short for time²) is a decentralized world for publishing and reading. On t², people’s reading attention serves as the currency, and sub-culture is the collective curation outcome.
t² believes the fatal weakness of the knowledge track in the web 2 world lies in the lack of feedback mechanism. That’s why gamifying reading is the key to unlock the full potential of the knowledge track.
Unlike listening and watching, reading takes real effort. t² is the first player in the web 3 world that monetizes human attention through reading. This breaks the boundary between intrinsic human existence: time, and a spendable, flowable social value.

Link to Grant Proposal:

Link to Website and social media channels
Telegram: https://t.me/t2wrld
Discord: https://discord.gg/cUkAecUdwa
Link to Github: Contact team

Conflux wallet address: Contact team

Grant Description :
The purpose of the grant is to support the development and integration of t² to the Conflux ecosystem and provide the Conflux community information and early access to the t² platform.

Grant Funding Tier :
Approved for tier 1

Grant Budget, Milestones and Key Deliverables:
TIER 1 - Product DEMO Budget USD: 15,000

Milestone 1:

1a.UI/UX Art/Graphic/Animation for Web App demo
Description: The website being live with javascript and effects including all the pages described above. Mobile friendly.
1b. Counter on Web app demo
Description: The dwell time measurement and data aggregation on the landing page.
1c. Mobile App (ios) demo
Description: Functions the same as Web App but on ios native test flight.
1d. New Post in Grant Awardees Outlining Grant + Milestones
1e. AMA w/ English community in Conflux Discord / Telegram
1f. AMA Transcript posted in Conflux Grants Forum.

Milestone 2: 1 month after signature.

2a.Visualization of User Data (dwell time)
Description: All user’s real-time dwell time data is reflected on the Web app and Mobile App.
2b. Wallet connect on web app and mobile app
Description: Connect Metamask and other user wallets.
2c. POA reading experience
Description: Reading challenge with the t² whitepaper highlights and get a reward for the Web app.

Milestone 3: 2 months after signature.

3a. Backend
Description: Centralized Cloud service set up (for demo specifically) for Attention tracking
3b. Community engagement
Upon completion of the tasks above do an AMA with the conflux community.
Social media/channels together hit 3000 followers (Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Medium)
Conflux Beta Testing Group: Conflux community members involved in beta testing demo versions of the product, including wallet connection, reading challenge with small rewards.

Grant Status + Recent Updates.
Updates: https://t2.world/

Milestone Updates, including links for milestone review:
All the technological sides of Milestone 1,2,3 are already achieved.
Community engagement in process.
Contact team for detailed validation.



I believe this project will have a good future, I have had ideas before to combine reading with blockchain technology, Conflux should be a good choice, especially to solve intellectual property issues, with the addition of NFT technology as well as blockchain technology, I think this project will become a hot project.
Do the project partners have activities they would like to carry out in the Chinese community?

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Hi are you already continue development?